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AS I SEE IT. . .


Vision for the Futureby by Leanna Lindquist, DTM—District Director

                                   by Leanna Lindquist , DTM—District Director

Start today. When June 30th comes you will Speech and Evaluation Contests coming in early

wish you had. No matter where you are in your 2017. Try something a little bit scary. There is no

Toastmaster journey, commit today to actively growth in the comfort zone.

continue. Set a goal that makes sense to you and  Opportunity is what you make of it. Take

your schedule. Make a pledge on the facing page. advantage of all that come your way. Always take

Give speeches. As often as you can. All from your manuals to your meetings. The next time

manuals. When June 30th rolls                             there is a last minute opening

around you will SCORE.               Start Today          for a speaker, volunteer to
    Choose to step out of your                            give a hot seat speech. Every
                                                          time you speak you improve
comfort zone. Last year I was

asked to be the test speaker         Choose               your speaking skills. Don’t
for Competitive Speakers PDX                              miss out on the opportunity

Evaluation Contest. It was my first  Opportunity          to hear world class speaker/
time. I chose an emotional story                          coach Patricia Fripp at the
from my first year as a nurse. Even                       District 7 Fall Conference,

though I had given well over a       Remember             Find Your Focus. Develop
hundred speeches I was feeling out                        a habit of taking on new

of my comfort zone. My speech        Extraordinary        opportunities as a way of
was well received and I found I                           growing.
really enjoyed it. I’m glad my self
                                                              Remember why you

doubt didn’t hold me back. If                             joined Toastmasters? Did it

you have never spoken in front                            have something to do with

of another club ask your Area Director to help self-improvement or career? Now that you have

you arrange it. Consider being a contestant. It’s revisited your reason for joining, take stock of

not too early to prepare for the International where you are and how far you have come. Are

                                                  you working the program as effectively as you

                                                  can? If developing your leadership skills is your

                                                  goal, are you a club officer? Have you created a

                                                  Membership Campaign for your club? Have you

                                                  organized a club contest? Get back on track or

                                                  continue full steam ahead as your realize your


                                                  Extraordinary, outstanding and unforgettable

                                                  should be our goals every time we speak or take

                                                  on a role. There is something inherently good

                                                  in hard work. Hard work is what it takes to give

                                                  an unforgettable speech or lead an outstanding

                                                  meeting. Planning ahead and preparing properly

                                                  will insure that you rock. Don’t be satisfied with

                                                  good enough. Be extraordinary!

14 Volume 3 Issue 4 - OCTOBER 2016
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