Page 15 - 2016-10
P. 15

Arexetryaoourdicnoamrym?itted to being
  •	Create a club culture that fosters
    member retention
  •	Bring in a new member
  •	Start a new club
  •	Earn an award

                               Make a Pledge

Name                           Club          Recruit a New  CC    AC   CL  AL B/S/
                                             Member Club        B/S/G       DTM

Bill Martin       6525 Communicators Plus    •                             •

Bob Smith         Clackamas Stepping Stones                 • ••

Cate Arnold       Silicon Forest             • ••• •

Faye Phillips     5442 Highnooners - Bend    •              •                       Pledges Made

Gabrielle Proust  New Horizons               • ••

Jill Ward         Wallmasters                                   ••

Joe Anthony       Liberty Talkers            •  ••              •          •

Karen A. Semprevivo Blue Ox                  •                  ••         •

Leanna Lindquist  Marylhurst                 • ••• •

Lorri Andersen    Daylighters                • ••

Mary Canton       New Horizons                                  ••

Michel Singleton  Keizer Communicators       •                  ••

Michelle Alba-Lim Roseburg Toastmasters      •  ••              ••         •

Patrick Locke     Early Words                •  ••              ••         •

Patrick Tuohy     West Beaverton                            ••

Paul C. Fanning   Downtown Lunchbunch                       ••

Phyllis A Harmon  Wallmasters International                 • ••

Raynette Yoshida  Marylhurst                 •                  ••

Tanya Myers       Sporty Speakers                               •

Volume 3 Issue 4 - OCTOBER 2016                                               15
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