Page 25 - 2016-10
P. 25

Nasreen Sheikh: World Entrepreneur

                                                      by Phyllis A. Harmon, DTM

I was introduced to Nasreen Sheikh by fellow Toastmaster, Steve Davis. I was intrigued
by her story, mission, and purpose in the world. Below are the results of our meeting.

Tell us about you. Where were you born, how           visited her husband’s house for the first time,
big was your family. Did you have siblings, older,    she didn’t like him because he would drink and
younger?                                              he would sometimes mistreat her. One time
                                                      she ran out from her husband’s house to our
    I don’t know my real birthday. My school          mother’s house. My mother returned her to the
teacher gave me the birthday of November              husband’s house the same day and said, “This
11th, 1991. I was born in a small village near the    is your fate. If you die you have to die in your
India/Nepal border. I have three sisters and          husband’s house.” I still feel that she wanted to
one brother. I was a middle child. I have many        escape this marriage but no one was there to help
                                                      her. I saw her face, scared and still forced into
cousins – I am from a very large family. My           a life with a man of whom she was very fright-
village was a completely male-dominated society.      ened. She lost her confidence to talk about it and
The boys were allowed to go to school and girls       started to believe that this was her world. I asked
stayed at home to clean, do laundry, and cook.        mother that day: “Yasmin (my older sister) didn’t
It is a village where boys ate first while the girls  want to get married. Why did you marry her?
got what was left over. It was a village where        Now she needs help and you are saying it’s her
a girl’s 15th or 16th birthday marked the day         destiny?” She told me, “That is what our culture
when she was arranged or forced into marriage.        is. It happened to me, to your sister, and it will
This is a village where men made most of the          happen to you.”
decisions for women. I have seen women being
very oppressed and committing suicide. It was             That’s when I knew I had to run. I began
a really remote village where there weren’t any       searching for outside help. I went to Kathmandu,
relief organizations or social media to publicize     where my cousin’s brother worked for a large
the story of where I born.                            factory. He negotiated with my family and I
                                                      was allowed to work. After a few months I had
What defining moments started you on your life’s      learned to make handicrafts with my cousin’s
work?                                                 brother, supporting myself and sending some
                                                      money to my family. There I was, just 12 years
    I was around 6 or 7 years old and the hardest     old, working for a massive export company –
thing in my life was seeing my own older sister       what I now know was a sweatshop.
forced into marriage. My sister wanted to study.
Instead, my grandpa and my parents arranged           How does the culture of your home country differ
her marriage when she was just 12 years old.
When she turned 16 she was married. When she          from what you’ve seen in the world?
                                                          I feel everywhere humanity is struggling.

                                                      It’s not a question of rich and poor, and it’s not
                                                      a question about different countries - we are all
                                                      suffering in our own way. In other parts of the
                                                      world, people have money, cars, and houses.
                                                      Yet they are still suffering and feeling miser-
                                                      able because they don’t have spiritual or family
                                                      connections and work too much.

                                                          We humans are not happy - we all are strug-
                                                      gling; trying to discover how we can bring that
                                                      long lasting peace and love that exists into our
                                                      lives. Can we make it happen? I feel we can once
                                                      we start to believe in ourselves and a unity of
                                                      community where no one is judged by their
                                                      status, color caste, religion, etc., when everyone

Volume 3 Issue 4 - OCTOBER 2016                                                         25
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