Page 23 - 2016-10
P. 23

WOW Open House Template Great Success!

by Leanna Lindquist, DTM

 Awaken Your Speaking Power
               was the theme for the special
               event Communicators Plus
held October 5th in Bend. The event was
the catalyst for recruiting new members.

                                                L to R: Pat Lynch, Mary Chisholm, Bill Martin

James Evanow

Patterned after WOW Open House, the                 District Director Leanna Lindquist welcomed
event brought in 30 attendees.                  the attendees. International speaker, author, trainer
                                                and local Toastmaster, James Evanow, delivered his
    Area 11 Director Faye Phillips coordinated  speech “Empower Your Journey.” Using his 20 years
the evening. Long time Communicators Plus       of experience as a sea captain James encouraged us
member Bill Martin along with members           to take care of ourselves, to carve a path and leave a
Eileen McLellan and Lorelei Kryzanek were       trail, and offer our services to our community.
key to the success of the event. Flyers were
created and distributed, information was            While the initial purpose of the event was to
placed in the local paper, announcements        recruit members for Communicators Plus, all three
were made and invitations extended. A           Bend Clubs were showcased. In attendance were the
large meeting space was acquired at a local     presidents of the three Bend clubs; Fredrick Moore,
retirement residence. Refreshments and          Communicators Plus; Lucy Brackett, Highnooners;
marketing materials were available.             and Danielle Mercurio, Bend Chamber. A handout
                                                featured the meeting information for all three clubs.
      A week later, Communicators Plus          Everyone enjoyed networking and refreshments.
  hosted 11 people at their meeting. Three      Several guests committed to joining clubs.
  people joined, with another considering
  the possibility. All the new people have          Clubs interested in hosting a WOW Open House
  had officer roles in other out-of-town        will find the link to the information here.
  TM clubs.

      The club continues their recruiting

Volume 3 Issue 4 - OCTOBER 2016                                                                23
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