Page 32 - 2016-10
P. 32


                          KEEP IT SIMPLE! - Flyer Design

                          by Phyllis Harmon, DTM—District 7 Public Relations Manager

                                      Creating marketing        The sample is great for a generic open house
                                 flyers doesn’t have to be  at your next club event. Of course if you have a
an arduous task. You can create fabulous flyers             keynote speaker as a draw to your event, replace
by following a universal formula - KEEP IT                  the graphic with a headshot or action shot of
SIMPLE!                                                     your speaker. Here is the same sample modified
    I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but                to highlight a keynote.
putting too much detail on your flyer will
guarantee that no one reads it. As a rule of
thumb, your flyer will receive about 20 seconds
worth of attention. In that time, you want your
intended audience to see graphics, who, what,
where, and a call to action.
    Should you add speaker biographies and
long details of what the event is about? My short
answer is don’t do it—at least on the front of
the page.
    What? You forgot there was a backside to
your page? Don’t believe me? Simple test - pick
up a piece of paper, look at it, then turn it over.
(Told you so!)
    Okay—let’s get back to the subject at hand.
Here is an example of a flyer front side.


Personally and Professionally

When                      OPEN HOUSE                               Example 2

Your Date                 Overcome your fear of                 Both samples are easy to read, contain only
Begin and End Time        speaking before an audience,      essential elements, and pass the 20-second-
                          and train your butterflies to     attention rule.
Where                     fly in formation.
                                                                When you create your flyer consider the
Location                  Toastmasters provides a safe      colors used. In the first example, the background
Address                   environment where you can         is the same for both the top and bottom of the
                          practice your next presentation   flyer, thus creating a pleasant, easy-to-read piece
Join Us!                  and get quality feedback on       for the eye. However, in the second example, the
                          how to take your speech to the    top and bottom are different focusing emphasis
RSVP Appreciated          next level.                       on the keynote.
Your Contact Information
                                                                There are studies that discuss in detail the
Example 1                                                   psychology of colors. You may want to do some
  32                                                        web exploration to find out what works best
                                                            for your event. You can always fall back on the
                                                            brand colors of your organization as a method

                                                                             Volume 3 Issue 4 - OCTOBER 2016
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