Page 12 - Voices.May.2016
P. 12

                                       BY Michael Reunert, CC

    I’m going to give you one key phrase from           1.	 Representing your
some famous speeches. Can you name the                       department at a
speaker (the answers are at the end of the                   company meeting
                                                        2.	 Speaking in a church, synagogue, or mosque
     1.	 I have a Dream!                                3.	 Advocating for your child at a PTA or school
    2.	 Ask not, what your country can do for
                                                             board meeting
         you—ask, what you can do for your country      There is an association whose primary mission
    3.	 Four score and seven years ago. . .         is to help people become better at public speaking.
    Clearly, these are examples of powerful         That association is Toastmasters. When I ask people
speeches by great orators.                          if they have heard of Toastmasters, most people will
    Some people are “naturals” with a               say, “Yes, I’ve heard of Toastmasters.” If I ask, “have
God-given talent for speaking—but most              you thought about joining Toastmasters?,” a great
great speakers didn’t start that way. They          many people I speak with will answer something
gradually improved their skills through lot’s       like. “Yes, I’ve been thinking about it, and one of
of practice and coaching.                           these days, I’m going to try it out.”
    What do you think about Martin
Luther King Jr., John F. Kennedy, and                                      Sound familiar? It sure does to me.
Abraham Lincoln? Were they just                                       I joined Toastmasters at the tender age
naturals?                                                             of 53. At that point, I had already given
    I didn’t know myself, so I did some                               lot’s of speeches and presentations, most
web research.                                                         of them okay, but not very memorable.
    Martin Luther King was a minister.                                I had even taken some courses and had
He gave hundreds of sermons and                                       a bit of coaching.
speeches, before I Have a Dream.
    John F Kennedy was                                                     I started my career with a big
described as “stiff and                                                               company that had an exten-
wooden” in his early                                                                  sive list of in-house courses.
speeches but he perse-                                                                One of those courses was
vered. He used family                                                                 “Effective Presentations.”
members as a sounding                                                                 When I took the course, we
board, got advice from his                                                            used an overhead projector
father, and practiced his                                                             with transparencies. I learned
speeches in front of his sisters.                                                     some good stuff from this
    Abraham Lincoln was described as                                                  course. At one point, our
ungainly with a squeaky voice but he spent                                            department had to make
many years polishing his speaking abilities
from his youth to his presidency. His life in       presentations to upper management to get funding
politics gave him hundreds of opportunities,        for expanding our line of business.
as did his 25-year law career
    Public speaking doesn’t come naturally to           Our manager brought in Peter Giuliano, who
most people. In addition, public speaking is        provided strategic communications consulting for
often cited as the #1 most common phobia.           CEO’s and other big muckey-mucks from major
    Most of us are not going to be great leaders    corporations. Peter was great. After speaking with
on a national or international scale. Most of       us for only a few minutes, he could pitch our busi-
us will encounter situations where we could         ness better than anyone in the department! I gained
really benefit from good speaking skills.           some valuable tips from Peter:
Examples might include:
                                                        1.	 Hang slides on a wall, to see how the presenta-
                                                             tion will flow, and re-arrange for maximum

                                                        2.	 The power of video feedback. Seeing ourselves
                                                             was really powerful!

12 Volume 2 Issue 11 - MAY 2016
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