Page 16 - Voices.May.2016
P. 16

Finding Useful Toastmasters Data

by George Marshall, DTM - District 57 Statistician

                                         Why look up data in  Club Performance tab at the top to see DCP data.
                                    Toastmasters reports?         Scroll down the report until you get to the
In your own club, you probably know what’s
happening – who has completed educational                     division, area and club you want to see. For
awards recently, how the club is doing on the                 each club, all ten DCP goal results are shown;
Distinguished Club Program, and more.                         completed goals are in bold.
    But if you need to stay up to date on several
clubs - say the ones in your area, division, or the               Starting in early April, once clubs reach distin-
entire district – you need a way to keep track of             guished (any level), DCP status is shown on the
many clubs. That’s where the Toastmaster data                 left of each club listing as D, S or P.
reports come in handy. But, there are so many
reports available for Toastmasters, it can be hard                [Check often because there dashboard reports have
to find what you need. Here’s where                           a lag time due to month-end closures, and may not
to find some of the most commonly                             all reflect reality until the middle of the month or
used data.                                                    so.- Editor]
    There are three categories of
Toastmaster data that leaders seem                                               Figure 1, DCP Chart
to need most often: Distinguished
Club Program (DCP) status, Dues                               Dues Are Due
& Membership, and Educational
Awards. Here’s the easy way to find                               Twice a year, every club needs to pay their
that data.                                                    dues. Club dues status is in the reports, but
See the DCP
                                                                  Back on the D7 dashboard page, dues infor-
    Distinguished Club Program                                mation shows up in two places, using the tabs at
(DCP) data is widely used because it                          the top of the page:
offers so much insight on clubs.
                                                                  The Division and Area Performance report
    Each club can earn up to 10 DCP                           gives a simpleYes/No for each club, in both October
goals. The ten goals indicate how well                        and April, on whether it has made the minimum
a club is helping members complete their educa-               renewals (8 members) to remain in good standing.
tional goals, maintaining membership levels, and              It also shows Area Directors’ club visits completed
how well the officer team is functioning. The                 and other info of interest to Area and Division
details are in the Distinguished Club Program                 Directors.
and Club Success Plan manual

    How a club does on those ten goals is a very
good indicator of club health, so it is important
to check a club’s DCP status often during the
year. (See Figure 1, DCP chart).

    So WHERE can we find DCP data on clubs?
It’s in the Toastmasters dashboard.

    On that page, select District 7 in the
top left box to go to the D7 dashboard.
Tip: you will probably use this page often, so
add it to your browser Bookmarks or Favorites!

    On the resulting District 7 page, click on the

16 Volume 2 Issue 11 - MAY 2016
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