Page 17 - Voices.May.2016
P. 17

The District Performance report has                    Enter some parts of a member’s name, for
the detail on how many members in each                 example first and last and click the button to get
club have renewed, for October and April.              all their awards going back to 2003. Note: Two
It also shows total membership payments, very          members may have similar names, so you might
important for districts going for Distinguished        have to refine the search. Also, a member might
status.                                                be registered with Toastmasters by a different
                                                       name than they usually go by: Mike vs Michael,
Educational Awards – Now and Then                      etc. As a bonus, this report shows any awards
                                                       a member may have earned in other districts.
    Who has earned an award this year? Did your
award get correctly submitted to Toastmasters?             What else? The reports described here are
                                                       the ones most commonly used, but check out
    To see this year’s awards, go back to the D7       the other options on those pages for even more
dashboard and click on the Daily Reports link          useful information.
over in the left bar.
                                                           Another good source of information is PID
    There are several reports available on the         Mike Raffety’s website, providing different ways
Daily Reports page. For this year’s awards, click      of summarizing Toastmaster data:
on “Educational Awards (current year)”       

    This report shows all awards earned in the             It’s quick and easy to find the Toastmaster data
district so far this year. Clicking on any column      you need on clubs, areas, divisions, the district,
header (Club, Award, Member, etc.) will sort on        and member awards, once you know where to
that column.                                           look. [You can also use the Raffety reports to view a
                                                       club over time. This ability gives the club officers and
    To see all awards to date by club, scroll down     the area directors a heads up on club weaknesses and
to the club’s number, or first click the Club name     where they should concentrate their efforts.-Editor]
column header to sort by name, then scroll to
the club name. To see awards by a member, click            George Marshall is the District 57 Statistician, and
on the Member header to sort by member’s last          the author of TmTools (, a
name, and scroll down. It will show the awards         website with summaries based on Toastmaster reports.
earned by a member in any club in the district         His company also develops websites for small busi-
this year.                                             nesses, and does online advertising campaigns.

Educational Awards History

    Want to see what awards were earned in a club
or by a member, in past years? You can use the
Educational Awards Archive to check all awards,
one year at a time, but that is rather slow and

    Here’s a much quicker way to look up awards,
because it shows this year or all years with a single
click. Go to:

    Let’s look at two of the many options, awards
by club, or by a member.

    To show a club’s current and past awards, click
on Educational Awards by Club Number. In the
next screen, enter the club number and click the
button. It will show all the clubs awards, back
as far as 2003, broken out by Toastmaster year.

    Tip: if you don’t know the club number, use
the Club Name Lookup tool to search by any part
of the club name, then select the Awards report.

    Showing a member’s current and past awards
is just as easy, by clicking on Education Awards
by Member.

Volume 2 Issue 11 - MAY 2016                           17
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