Page 22 - Voices.May.2016
P. 22


Lake Oswego Toastmasters’ Secret to Making C

by Linda Hartling, ACB, CL, President, Lake Oswego Toastmasters

    We are living in an age of rapid change —         to give him the credit he deserves, he comically
social change, economic change, political change      resists, stating, “He prefers to remain a mystery
and more! Thankfully, Toastmasters offers us the      … a figure out of myth, whose existence, while
skills to help make change great. Lake Oswego         never truly understood, is never doubted.”
Toastmasters (LOTM) has logged more than
60 years of navigating the challenge of change.           Yet the job of being a highly effective Past
In recent years, this included one of the most        President is no mystery. “There is no ‘super’
demanding club challenges, changing meeting           power,” notes Swanson. “Realize that your job
locations — a type of change that changes             isn’t to ‘lead’; it is to offer advice and knowledge
everything!                                           to the current officers to help them make good
                                                      decisions.” To become the most productive Past
    One key secret of LOTM’s endurance in the         President, Swanson offers this indispensable tip:
face of major change is mutually supportive           “Trust the club.”
leadership. This is the type of leadership exem-
plified in the efforts of Chris Swanson, currently        Past Presidents are an enormous source of
referred to as our “Perfect Past President.” He has   institutional memory for any club. They know
been one of the most important unsung super           what policies and initiatives have worked, or
heroes throughout times of intense change for         haven’t worked. They carry the club history
LOTM, a Toastmaster master of resilience and          as well as a deep understanding of club tradi-
persistence.                                          tions and practices. Throughout the year, they
                                                      offer vital guidance for planning club activities,
    The role of the immediate Past President          including membership campaigns, leadership
is rarely recognized as a key ingredient in club      trainings, speaking workshops, club contests
success. Yet, past presidents are crucial to gener-   and other events.
ating the collaboration and continuity to help
take the pain out of change. Chris Swanson is             Most of all, during times of rapid change,
the living example of this type of leadership.        Toastmaster Past Presidents are a central resource
Building on his skills as an award-winning            for inspiration, education and action. They are
speaker, a broadly experienced club officer and       one of the greatest unacknowledged secrets to
a two-term club president, he continues to serve      club success. It is no secret to LOTM members
the success of LOTM in his role as Past President.    that Past President Chris Swanson is the type of
                                                      leader we need to see in the world today. He is a
    In a recent Toastmaster Magazine article,         leader who helps everyone make change great.
The Essence of Great Leadership, Terry St. Marie
describes 10 qualities that make a highly effective
leader, including positivity, purpose, empathy,
humility, trust, relentlessness and persistence.
Past President Chris Swanson is a relational role
model of these qualities, and much more.

    In particular, St. Marie emphasized the
importance of leadership that crosses “the bridge
from ‘I’ to ‘We’ — It can’t be about you. It’s about
a team.” Chris Swanson helps LOTM cross that
bridge at every meeting. He charms us with his
humor and humility, while never exuding a big
ego or dominating the spotlight. Even if one tries

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