Page 8 - Voices.May.2016
P. 8


What Does a Better Version of You Look Like?

 by Leanna Lindquist, DTM - Program Quality Director

Self-Confident                                      next best thing to visiting another club. In
                                                    Toastmasters it is easy to surround yourself with
    Self-confidence is learned, practiced and       great people. Your club members will help you
mastered. If you lack self-confidence Toastmasters  bring out your best. Choose a mentor who will
is where you will find it. Self-confidence shows    help you learn and grow.
in body language. Hold your head up high and
maintain good eye contact. Speak clearly and        Take A Risk
assuredly when answering questions, Make your
message concise. Replace the “ums” and “ahs”            Now is as good a time as any to take a risk.
that interrupt flow with  pauses to emphasize       Choose advanced manuals that take you out of
ideas.                                              your comfort zone and cause you to stretch.
                                                    Don’t think you are funny? Try the Humorously
    Take advantage of every opportunity that        Speaking manual. If you are right brained try
comes your way. Sign up for manual speeches.        Technical Presentations.
Fill a role every week. If you aren’t giving a
prepared speech be a Table Topics speaker. When         Is all your speaking experience in your own
you are comfortable delivering a good Table         club? Visit another club and ask to give a speech.
Topics speech you will exude self-confidence.       We have loads of small clubs that will welcome
                                                    you with open arms. It may be a little scary to
Open to Growth                                      speak in front of a new group. Remember they
                                                    are Toastmasters too. They will encourage you
    Never give up learning. The Toastmasters        and provide great feedback.
website has a wealth of information. Videos,
podcasts, articles, manuals and Toastmaster             How about entering a club contest? You may
Magazine are at your fingertips.                    be bitten by the competitive bug and find you
                                                    love to compete. Are you a future Champion of
    Expand your marketable skills. At the club      Public Speaking? Was competition not for you?
level serving as an officer provides the oppor-     You took a risk and you crossed it off your bucket
tunity to learn and practice new skills.            list. Encourage others to give competition a try.

    As club president you will
    •	 Conduct productive meetings
    •	 Delegate
    •	 Manage people
    •	 Build teams
    •	 Resolve conflict
    When you have the chance to serve as an
officer, embrace the opportunity to learn and
practice new skills. Learn to coordinate events
by serving on the conference or TLI committee.
In addition you will learn time management and
how to manage a budget.
    Visit other clubs to see how they run meet-
ings. Study other speakers and watch how their
members fill roles. Take the best back to your
club. Check out You Tube. Many Toastmasters
record and post their speeches. This is the

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