Page 7 - Voices.May.2016
P. 7


The Leadership Journey

Michelle Alba-Lim, DTM - District Director

    On May 7, 2016, during the annual business        he would be President
meeting in Eugene, the District Council elected       of Toastmasters
the leaders who will serve District 7 in the next     International when he
Toastmasters year ( July 1, 2016 to June 30,          agreed to serve as club president (12 years after
2017). Congratulations to the incoming District       joining his club!). You, too, may one day be called
trio (District Director-elect Leanna Lindquist,       to serve beyond your wildest dreams. Just show
Program Quality Director-elect Donna Stark,           up, stand up, and speak
and Club Growth Director-elect Cathy French)
and all the incoming division directors!                  To District 7 members who have, as yet, not
                                                      stepped up to serve in any leadership role this
    I am delighted to know that District 7 will       coming year, I invite you to consider doing so. It
be in great hands next year. To the incoming          may be a leadership role in your club, workplace,
District Executive Committee, please know that        or community. If your club officer roster has been
you can continue to count on my help, counsel,        filled, offer to serve as an assistant. If you have
and support when needed. It will be an honor, a       served in various club officer roles and are ready
pleasure, and a privilege to serve District 7 in any  for a more challenging leadership role, look for
way I can. The leadership journey does not end        opportunities outside your club. Rediscover your
when one takes off a badge or gives up a title. I     Competent Leadership manual and explore the
will continue to have the needs of our members        various ways that you can strengthen your leader-
in my heart and on my mind.                           ship competencies.

    To the incoming club officers, congratulations        It matters not whether you have a title. Some
and thank you so much for stepping up to lead         of the best leaders this world has ever seen did
your clubs!                                           not have titles—Martin Luther King, Jr., Mahatma
                                                      Gandhi, and Mother Theresa. All three stepped up
    Serving as a club officer is the beginning        to leadership when they were needed. All three
of your Toastmasters leadership journey. You          were influential leaders without titles. All three
never know where that journey might take you.         changed themselves and in the process helped to
As First International Vice-President Balraj          change the world.
Arunasalam shared during his keynote speech,
never in his wildest dreams did he think that             The leadership journey continues. . .

Leadership Opportunities

by Leanna Lindquist, DTM

We are in search of a few good leaders to serve as Area Directors for
the 2016-2017 Toastmaster year beginning July 1st. This is an advanced
leadership role. Your prior club officer experience, especially president
or VPE, will serve you well. Learn to manage teams, coordinate contests
and become a servant leader. The training is high quality, the benefits
are priceless. Please contact me at if you are
interested or know someone who is. Opportunities are in Salem, Portland
and the Vancouver area.

Volume 2 Issue 11 - MAY 2016                                               7
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