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P. 32
alafae Tharpa—Division G Member of the Month

Rona serves as the Sergeant of Arms for our club. Quite
simply, she is tearing it up in our club. She has been a
member for just over 4 months and has delivered 7
speeches, filled all typical meeting roles, been elected to
the Executive Committee, and most impressively, she is
chairing our theme night committee to start bringing a
theme once a month to our meetings. September 11th is
our first theme night and we are very excited about this as a strategy for increasing
enrollment and adding variety to our club meetings. Rona is exemplifying what it is to
be a member of Toastmasters.

District 7 Welcomes New Members to Division G

Club Name Last Name First Name
Salmon Speakers Elde Cameron
Wafermasters Club Gonzalez Eric
Professionally Speaking Lyubar Olga
Columbian Club Mullins Mackenzie
Wafermasters Club Rydell Dan
Wafermasters Club Shorf Gena
Wafermasters Club Taylor Lawrence
Salmon Speakers Touch Samnang
Testmasters Winchester Traci
Wafermasters Club Yanfei Lu

Fundamentally, I believe that the ability to communicate is a God-given talent, which
ought to be used by all for the good of all. It is our privilege to help bring this talent
into greater usefulness, so that it may be applied to the building of a better world,

through the building of a better society made up of individuals who must act in
groups. I believe that in bringing improvement in the way of "better thinking, better

listening, better speaking" to individuals, we are contributing to the improvement
of the society which is made up of these individuals. I like the way that Orison
S. Marden phrased his conception of speech training, when he wrote; "The
ability to talk well is to a man what cutting and polishing are to the
rough diamond. The grinding does not add anything to the
diamond. It merely reveals its wealth." (Ralph C. Smedley)

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