Page 34 - VoicesMar2015 .pub
P. 34
leen Gray—Division I Member of the Month

Colleen Gray joined the Redmond Area Toastmasters in
August, 2014. With encouragement from her club she won
the Division Humorist Contest last Fall in LaPine. She went
on to compete in the District Humorous Speech Contest in
Brooks. The audience was much larger. She didn't place, but
she was grateful for the experience. It has impacted her
Toastmasters goals! I congratulate her for stepping up and
doing this. She deserves recognition. Colleen is an
inspiration to our club members. I am proud to have her in our club. She is an example to
us all.

District 7 Welcomes New Members to Division I

Club Name Last Name First Name

Bend Chamber Toastmasters Bretoi Daniel
Redmond Area Toastmasters Club Cort Danette
Communicators Plus Kryzanek Lorelei

In the course of years, as we gained experience, it was seen that our processes had values
far beyond the mere training of people to face audiences and speak their ideas.
Communication was seen to have its effects in almost every phase of life. Improvement

was needed not only in public speaking, but in all use of words, whether
spoken or written. Training in speech had definite values in many lines of
improvement. Some of these may be listed thus: It leads to the discovery
of hidden abilities, bringing these latent talents into use, and thus
enriching the individual's life. It broadens the person's conception of how
to live with people. It helps in the integration of personality. It brings out for
use the leadership traits and abilities, and thus helps to prepare the

individual to be a leader. It opens the way to more creative and
constructive living for the person who takes full advantage of the
opportunities offered. (Ralph C. Smedley)

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