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P. 27
a Geller —Division B Member of the Month

Irma Geller joined Toastmasters in 2002. She is currently a
full-time student and member of Siuslaw Tale Spinners.
She stepped up to volunteer and be the club's VP-
Membership for the second half of this Toastmasters year.
At the beginning of the year, she volunteered to head a
committee to fulfill a club request to bring back Eric
Winger for an all-day workshop in Florence. She and her
committee, which included Dina McClure and Karen
Earnshaw, met over several Saturdays to work out the program details, correspond with
Eric, survey the membership, check out potential venues, as well as inform and make
recommendations to the membership. The workshop will be held at the Florence
Playhouse on April 11, 9:00am-4:30pm. Irma will be sending EventBrite invitations to
area Toastmasters as well as guests.

The workshop plans were nearing completion when Irma attended the Division B
Toastmaster Leadership Institute (TLI) this past February. Because of the TLI, she was
inspired to offer monthly 2-hour Better Club Series meetings at her home. The first
gathering will focus on club meeting roles because members had indicated during their
conversations with her that they had questions about the various roles.

Irma has displayed a wonderful ability to bring people together to focus on important
tasks, to ask insightful questions, and to superbly complete whatever task she takes on.
She is gaining and displaying exceptional leadership skills through her Toastmaster

District 7 Welcomes New Members to Division B

Club Name Last Name First Name
Yawn Patrol Club Blanchard Diana
Yawn Patrol Club Borum Mitchell
Siuslaw Tale Spinners Club Kennedy Tim
NuScale Toasters Newton

Corvallis Evening Group Rutledge

Lunch Bunch Toastmasters Club Shoemaker

University of Oregon Club Zhang

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