Page 26 - VoicesFeb2015 .pub
P. 26
anne Demith—Division A Member of the Month

Every club has some issues periodically that can best be
handled by the officers under the leadership of its
president. Our President, Dianne Demith, boldly led us
through some issues this month by simply urging the
officers to follow our mission. It was most important for
the club to retain its supportive and positive learning
experience, and retain a membership that is empowered
to grow. This led to wise decisions by the officers that will
keep us as a leading club in our city and our Division.

Division A Gets High Marks for Club Officer
Training Event

Noah Salinas, CC, ALB

As Division A Governor, recently I planned and implemented my
first divisional club officers training. During the last Division A
club officers training, held on July 26, I was at my dad's side on
his death bed. I thank my team for stepping up and supporting me and the members
during that crucial time.

So there I was, actually putting together my first club officer training. Of course, I have
the experience, knowledge and training to speak in front of groups. Nevertheless, I was
nervous, anxious, and worried that I would not do a good job.

I knew that Toastmasters training could sometimes be a rehash of what was already
known, especially so since this was the mid-year training. It also happened to be the
same information that every club officer received last summer in their Club Leader
manuals. Since this was to be my first (and maybe my last) officers training as the
Division Governor, I wanted the training to be something that everyone would enjoy. A
training that would be fun, where new skills or better methods could be learned and
implemented back in their clubs. I wanted the trainers to not just read about what the
officers roles were, but to tell stories about their experiences with the role. I wanted
them to have discussion and take questions from new officers.
I knew from previous trainings I'd been involved in that members wanted to eat and
reconnect with their friends before training started. I made it a potluck, like my previous
Division Governors before me. The training was conducted by three of our seasoned

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