Page 23 - VoicesFeb2015 .pub
P. 23
eloping an Audience Connection—
Part 2

By Tom Tursich, ATM

You now have the first step down pat in audience. This occurred
establishing an audience connection. You because he talked almost
will only deliver talks on topics about exclusively about himself. He far exceeded
which you are very passionate. his allotment of "I" pronouns. His message
Enthusiasm and energy will ooze from was a constant flow of, "I did this," "I was
every pore in your body. As a result this an excellent athlete in my high school,"
energy will stimulate your
audience and they will and "I was very accomplished in
respond positively to you my career." When we were
and your message. Now we driving home from the
move on to Step 2 in presentation my wife said,
establishing a connection "boy, he sure brags a lot,
with your audience, which doesn't he?" I agreed. It
is to have a high you/I ratio seemed that he used this
in your presentation. In other speaking opportunity to
words focus your message on build himself up instead of
your audience's interests, likes and
needs. Let them know that you are there giving us valuable information
for their benefit, not for your self- or inspiring us. This incident was an
aggrandizement. Use the pronoun "you" a excellent reminder to focus on the
lot in your presentation and reduce the audience and have a high you/I ratio in
number of "I's" in the message. This is the body of your talks.
something I must remind myself of every
time I have the opportunity to deliver a Let's face it. We don't have to be taught to
talk to any group, organization, or club. be self-centered. We are naturally that way
Focus on the "you of the message", not the from birth. As a baby we cry to ensure that
"I." our needs are met. We are hungry. We are
thirsty. We need a diaper change and on
My wife and I recently had the and on. We are focused primarily,
opportunity to listen to a speaker at a secondarily and to the 'nth degree on
church we attend. The speaker fell flat in what we want. Your audience, even though
delivering his message and lost his they may be adults, are still focused not on
how great you are or what you are

(Continued on page 24)

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