Page 19 - Voices
P. 19
Sofia Parra—Division C Member of the Month

Sofia Parra, club president, was selected at the September
Member of the Month for Capitol Division. According to a
member of her High Noon Toastmasters club, Sofia has worked to
ensure the club remains a distinguished club as four new officers
assumed their duties. One of her fellow officers, Melinda Meeds,
said “Sofia has been a tremendous help to me as I have transitioned
into the position of VP of Education. She is always willing to lend a
helping hand wherever it is needed, whether setting up prior to

meetings or walking me through a project. I appreciate her positivity
and willingness very, very much and I feel that she is an invaluable
asset to our club!”
Other honored nominees for September were:

Ed Dressel, Toasting Excellence, Ed is very active in our club on all levels ever since he joined our
club in 2008. He is aggressively working towards his DTM:-) He regularly presents interesting and
unique speeches. His memory of other club members memorable speeches is amazing. His personal
goals and strive for excellence are motivating to the rest of the club members. Following are just a
few samples of what makes him an excellence nomination for the member of the month:
Conducted two Youth Leadership programs; Competed in several contests going beyond the club
level; Held officer position of VP of Membership; and just became Area 44 Governor.

Welcome New Members to District 7 Capitol Division….

It’s always a cause for celebration when new members join our clubs. It validates that we are holding
quality meetings which attract people to our doors. It also means that the word is spreading about
the high-level training program Toastmasters provides in leadership and communications training.
Whether people are already Toastmasters and joining additional clubs, or whether this is their first
time to stand in front of an audience and deliver their ice breaker, all are welcomed to share their
stories, thoughts, and unique view of the world.

New Members July and August 2014
Club Name  Last Name  First Name 
A‐Dec Toastmasters  Evans  Cody 
Beachtown Toastmasters  Miller  Shannon 
Beachtown Toastmasters  Wilson  Wendy 
Flying Toasters Club  Devine  Dia 
Keizer Communicators  Bernard  Michael 
Keizer Communicators  Klever  Jerry 
Keizer Communicators  Nichols  Gloria 
Newberg Toastmasters Club  Fairweather  Carolynne 
Silvertongues  Fernandez  Ramon 
Woodburn Toastmasters  Tipton  Maribel 
Woodburn Toastmasters  Villegas  Guadalupe 

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