Page 24 - 2025-01 Voices
P. 24
Word Fun
By B. Lee Coyne ATMS
With the last name of Coyne, it is very much in order to gravitate to currency.
Today then I shall make that into a reality.
We Toastmasters often deploy analogies when we speak out.
First. we cogitate and then, we corelate.
We organize oratory.
When we examine the lineup of coins our minds find that each reaches out to
pose an analogy. Our heads morph into tales.
Let’s start with pennies. Before inflation it was popular to say “a penny for
your thoughts.”
These days it’s history.
Now we turn to nickels, named after the original metal used.
Can we go with that saying of “slip me five”?
Onward to the dime domain. During last midcentury before the Salk vaccine
was invented pollo had become an epidemic.
To raise funds the March of Dimes came into being.
Quarters come next. Ask any jockey to introduce you to a quarter horse and
saddle up for the ride.
Where were the horse’s quarters?
The stable of course.
Finally, we arrive at the half dollar level.
An old proverb states: “Half a loaf is
better than none”. Such rye humor!
Which analogy is best articulated?
We had better flip a coin...
24 Voices!