Page 25 - 2025-01 Voices
P. 25

Why Attend?

              Leanna Lindquist, DTM, PDD
              2024-25 Conference Chair

              The biggest benefit of attending a conference     We each have our
              is NETWORKING. No direct message, Zoom,           own  reasons  for  attending,
              email, or tweet can rival a face-to-face meet     but  I  believe  that  conference  attendance
              up.  Conferences  provide  the  opportunity  to   dramatically enhances both your professional
              mix and mingle, form new relationships, and       and  personal  development,  as  well  as
              strengthen existing ones.                         providing you with tools and skills that can’t
                                                                be  taught  in-house  or  online.  The  focused
              People attend conferences because they want       nature of learning at a conference allows you
              to invest in themselves. At a breakout session,   to dig deeper with the understanding of your
              you may find yourself sitting next to your next   topic of interest.
              customer  or  mentor. A  conference  provides
              a  unique  opportunity  to  network  and  learn   I look forward to connecting with old friends,
              while having fun.                                 some  who  I  only  see  once  a  year  at  the
                                                                conference.  Perhaps  I  will  meet  someone
              There’s nothing like being in a room of open-     who will become a lifelong friend.
              minded people. Other people who are willing
              to  take  time  to  learn  something  new.  Other   Mark your calendar for May 17th and plan to
              people are working to “better” themselves by      attend Excellence Amplified, the Annual District
              improving their skills and gaining knowledge.     7 Conference. Watch for an email in January
              Conferences  offer  the  chance  to  broaden      with  all  the  details  and  early  bird  prices.
              your horizons and gain an eclectic overview       Speakers,  contests,  and  a  special  dinner
              of  what’s  shaping  our  future. Who  knows  –   are  just  some  of what you  can  expect. Take
              you might find the solution to a problem or       advantage of this opportunity to network and
              the inspiration for your next big venture in an   grow.
              area you least expect it.

              “. . . nothing can replace face-to-face meetings for social animals like us. A live concert is better than the DVD
              and going to a ball game feels different from watching on TV, even though the view is better on television. We
              like to actually be around people who are like us. It makes us feel like we belong. It is also the reason a video
              conference can never replace a business trip. Trust is not formed through a screen, it is formed across a table. It
              takes a handshake to bind humans . . . and no technology yet can replace that. There is no such thing as virtual
              trust.” ~Simon Sinek

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