Page 33 - march
P. 33

purchase a completed
       “season,” as well as
       taking along a
       smaller book on

       your trip to the
       beach or the park
       (although so many
       readers use a Kindle,

       Kobo, Nook, or other digital
       readers, that this probably doesn’t
       matter as much).
               Streaming services and networks  today,

       offer serial fiction by way of episodic shows.  including one of the latest, Kindle Vella
       While most of them remain visual medium  (not to be confused with Kindle). Let us not
       offerings only, “Castle” (used to air on ABC)  forget Podcasts, either. Especially with the
       led to some hardbound novels. Including  establishment of a Podcast as an elective choice

       Heat Rises, Heat Wave, and Naked Heat, written  in each Toastmasters Path.
       by Richard Castle (undoubtedly a nom de               Over the next few months, in this column,
       plume). If memory serves, each of these  we’ll take a look at some of the various
       books was referenced in the television show,  platforms for serial publishing, tips and

       as well. Ah, the synergy of cross-platform  techniques for succeeding at writing serial
       promotion!                                        fiction, and more. And don’t be surprised if I
           Serial fiction, whether you consider it old  toss in a challenge or a contest or two—maybe
       or new, is experiencing explosive growth. I’m  even in serial fashion!

       aware of nine platforms that offer serial fiction

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