Page 36 - march
P. 36
Call and Response
David Freedman, PM2
Learning to give permission to yourself to create Also last year, my mother asked me if I’d be
your own projects takes time. Sometimes you willing to take a screenwriting class by a teacher
need a good kick in the rear in order for you to she admired. My mother had created a short
find your focus. In this case, that kick came in film online that went viral several years ago, and
the form of two requests made from different she’d found her own love of screenwriting in
people in my life. the process. I’d been a writer from a very young
Almost exactly one year ago, I was surprised age, but when she asked me about taking the
and delighted to receive an invitation to write screenwriting class, I still hesitated before saying
a column for Voices! by our very own Phyllis yes. I was trying to find work in the middle of
Harmon. Phyllis had known I was a writer and the pandemic when jobs were scarce, and going
asked if I would be willing to write articles on out to find employment in these crazy times
a monthly basis. After a moment’s hesitation, I seemed almost absurd. What good would it do
said yes. me to take a class when I needed to be working?
Why the hesitation? For a long time, it seems Nonetheless, I stifled my feelings of inadequacy
like I’ve always needed other people’s permission and guilt over not working and ended up taking
to sit down and write. In one sense, this was no three courses of the screenwriting class. I have
different; I’d be writing for a deadline and with no regrets over this, yet I still noted the same
a set word count. However, it also gave me a pattern of needing someone else’s permission
chance to focus on my skills as an essayist as well to put myself out there.
as work on my blog, “Freedman on the Go.” In In music, we have what’s known as call and
short, it gave me some opportunities to further response where one motif from a song is repeated
my own creativity. But again, I was doing so at or answered in the next portion of the piece. In
someone else’s behest. Perhaps writing for other real life we respond to stimuli in the same way,
people helps in some regards because it keeps me though there are times when we may simply
on task and allows me to put myself out there in ignore someone trying to communicate with
ways I might not have otherwise thought about. us. Likewise, we may stifle our creative impulses
In this case, I’m able to share my own stories in favor of trying to accomplish what others
and experience with Toastmasters, which I’m consider to be the right way of doing things, such
delighted to do. However, I’m still working on as taking a job that may allow us to make money
finding ways to bolster my creativity without but brings little personal satisfaction otherwise.
a metaphorical whip lashing me from behind, In many respects, we are taught that being
forcing me onward.