Page 32 - march
P. 32


      Becoming a Serial Killer 101

      Ken Coomes, DTM

       Of course, I’m not talking about murder!                every week with my parents. Admission was
       This is a column about writing, speaking,               a quarter, and for that, we saw a movie, a
       and (I hope)thinking. Mainly about writing.             newsreel, a cartoon, and an episode of Tarzan
       So I’m talking about something old that is              (a serial episode), all in black and white. Before

       becoming new again —writing serial fiction.             you start figuring out how old I am, color
       And hopefully helping you “kill it” as a serial         movies came along while I was still a child.
       author.                                                    Today’s serial fiction is frequently
           Why do I suggest serial fiction is old? Partly      published in episodes about 30-40 minutes

       because one of the earliest examples of serial          long—enough time for many commutes both
       fiction often cited is Charles Dickens. Add my          ways (for some, one way of their commute).
       childhood to that (see below), throw in today’s         Or long enough for a short jog or a walk in
       television (well, not just today’s television, but      the park. I suspect many of you often listen

       yesterday’s as well) and you probably “get it”          to an audiobook when driving, jogging, or
       by now—why I’m writing about serial fiction,            walking, as so many of us do in today’s world.
       and why I’m calling it something old.                   Another beautiful thing about serial fiction, for
           Serials are ongoing stories, published in           authors and readers alike, is that many serial

       installments. Novels, such as A Christmas Carol,        fiction novels (the finished “season” of a piece
       were published serially in Charles Dickens’             of serial fiction) consist of one full “season”
       day. Perhaps because more people could afford           (13-18 episodes).
       a “penny paper” than a hard-bound novel in                     From the perspective of an author

       those days. Or maybe because there were fewer           or publisher, this can mean writing a piece
       “big publishing houses” then.                           that is 15,000-25,000 words long, rather
           Speaking of “the good old days,” when I             than forestalling completion until you have
       was a child (no, this did not precede Dickens’          somewhere between 50,000-100,000 words.

       days) I remember going to the theater almost            For readers, it can mean spending less to

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