Page 28 - march
P. 28


       Wearin’ of the Green

       Paul C. Fanning, DTM

       Ah, faith and begorrah. It is that time of year            shaped my life, one from age eight and the
       when ye who claim the green from the Irish                 other in the past fifteen years. The first was
       Isles celebrate-whether ye be a native born of the         the Boy Scouts, and to use the proper term

       auld sod, or a descendent, adopted or adapted,             of the day, the Boy Scouts of America. That
       everyone is Irish the 17th on Saint Patrick’s              was my first introduction to the wearing of
       Day-Saint Paddy’s Day to us blessed by the                 the green.
       Blarney Stone and anointed with the luck of                    There was a book published in the early

       Finnegan himself. Green ale and potatoes aside,            twentieth century entitled “Scouting on
       the wearing of the green has influenced my life            Two Continents” by Frederick R. Burnham,
                                                                    who had learned to “scout” in the United
                                                                    States and Canada in the late nineteenth

                                                                    century before becoming a military scout
                                                                    under Lt. Colonel Robert S.S. Baden Powell
                                                                    during the Boer War 1899-1902. I was a
                                                                    Scouting legacy from two continents. My

                                                                    mother’s father had been a British Scout
                                                                    and Rover Scout and remembered meeting
                                                                    the founder of the Scouts, Bade Powell, at a
                                                                    rally in London in 1920. Grandfather had

                                                                    very fond memories of his Scouting days
                                                                    and was a constant encourager for me to
                                                                    join the “programme” when I was of age.
                                                                    My mother had been a Brownie and Girl

                                                                    Guide in London until Mr. Hitler interfered
                                                                    with her meetings during WW2. My father
       from a young age, but not the emerald or Kelly             and his father participated in the program
       green, instead it was the olive green of the Boy           here in the United States. Grandfather was

       Scouts that had a profound impact.                         a camp ranger while my father went from
          Two volunteer organizations have indeed                 Cub Scout to Life Scout before high school

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