Page 24 - march
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                      Upcoming Online Webinars

                     July 14               August 4             September 1              October 6

              Plan for Club Success!   Moments of Truth       Club Charters R US!   Mentorship: Molding
                Panel Discussion       Eldred Brown, DTM      Emilie Taylor, DTM        Toastmasters
                                                                                     Dr. Gwen Avington,
                  Watch the Replay       Watch the Replay       Watch the Replay
                                                                                          IP5, DL5
                                                                                        Watch the Replay

                  November 3              Dcember 1               January 5             February 2

               Road to the Coveted       Judges Training     Build an Open House!    Successful Club Series
                  Distinguished        Erik Bergman, DTM       Brent Smith, DTM         Timber Talkers
               Toastmaster Award
              Cheri Redgrave, DTM        Watch the Replay       Watch the Replay        Watch the Replay

                  Watch the Replay

                    March 2                 April 6                 May 4                  June 1

                Make a Point with       Getting involved      Club Officers, make       How our Club
                   Storytelling        beyond your Club.       your Club strong!      achieved Success!
               Tiger McAndie, DTM

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