Page 34 - march
P. 34


      Boldly Going Where Toastmasters Have Never Gone Before!

      Jennifer Schmidt, EH2

      As if using the transporter from Star Trek,                •  Learning CANVA and co-presenting
      I materialized into the Area 63 Speech and                     in the virtual PR Masters CANVA
      Evaluation contest by Zooming from home. I                     seminars in 2021 and 2022

      felt like a technology pro in this second year             •  Visiting several clubs virtually in
      competing virtually in an Area contest.                        2021 and 2022 and meeting a ton
         This is a huge contrast from March of 2020,                 of Toastmasters
      when I drove to the Tualatin Library to physically         •  Attended virtual seminars held by fellow

      sit in the audience. That day I cheered on Kaushik             Toastmasters
      Balasubramanian who won the competition.                   As you can tell the key word is virtual. As I
      By April of 2020, New Horizons catapulted               write this list, it’s hard for me to believe I actually
      into our first zoom meeting where, “you’re on           did all these activities virtually. Through each

      mute” became its own catchphrase. As a club we          experience, I learned something new, while
      pushed forward learning and laughing together.          meeting fantastic people along the way.
      Technology was both a friend and a foe that                This journey was quite the change from
      we begrudgingly invited into our lives due to           driving an hour to Tualuatin, Oregon from

      necessity.                                              Vancouver, Washington early every Saturday
         At that time, admittedly zooming was way             morning in order to arrive at 8:00 a.m. I would
      out of my comfort zone, but I enjoyed seeing the        eagerly participate in the Toastmasters meetings,
      smiling faces of New Horizons club members.             but not really do anything Toastmasters related

      FOMO (fear of missing out) was stronger than my         until the next Saturday when I would drive south
      reluctance to learn how to use zoom effectively.        again.
      It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be, once I          Ironically, Toastmasters became a larger
      gave it time and figured it out. My horizons, in        part of my life when I wasn’t there physically.

      fact, have expanded in this new virtual world           Zoom was my Scotty and I materialized here,
      and include:                                            there and everywhere. I learned how to not
         •  Competing in two virtual Club Contests            just tolerate technology but embrace the many
         •  Competing in two virtual Area Contests            golden opportunities of doing more. No driving,

         •  Becoming the first virtual VPPR of New            traffic, parking, and more chances to explore,
             Horizons (2020 - 2021)                           learn, and grow–yes, please!
         •  Becoming a virtual charter member of                 Along the way I was challenged, such as when
             PR Masters in 2021                               I created my first meeting post for Facebook.

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