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worked every day through a heavy load. I still  to order the trophies sometime in the first half of
      focus on doing one thing at a time. The work is  January and not in February. This allows more

      even more daunting than at any time during my  time to adjust to stock shortages and possible
      CGD year. I see that I am working more efficiently  errors, such as misspelled engravings. I even
      and productively than I ever did during my first  have this task in my Trello backlog for the year
      six months in the Trio. I’m even able to shift  so I don’t forget.

      my priorities more rapidly. Though the role of
      the District Director does give me a lot of “busy  Lorri Andersen, DTM - Program
      work” to do, I don’t mean to imply that all my  Quality Director
      work is “busy work.” I do have a lot of strategic
      planning to do to achieve my vision. The time  As Program Quality Director, please share with
      management skills I learned as your CGD have  the members your vision for the coming year

      been invaluable. I use them to carry out my daily
      work as your District Director.                        The current role asks Program Quality Directors

                                                             to provide the kind of high-quality training
      Anticipate District needs earlier                      and experience that encourages Toastmaster
         Before my PQD year, I had consistently  members to be so excited they can’t wait to go
      not anticipated my “customers” needs in a  to training!

      timely fashion. This is important when special             The District Education plan needs to be
      supplies must be ordered months in advance. My  analyzed to see where gaps exist and to fill those
      procrastination often meant that my customers  gaps with needed training.
      did not receive what they needed on time. It came          I want to develop a Team to develop high

      days to weeks AFTER they needed it.                    quality training and thus a quality program
         This snake came back to bite me again last  experience.
      winter. It involved ordering trophies for our
      Division speech contests. I didn’t give the Supply  Please share at least two lessons you have
      Orders team at WHQ enough lead time. They had  learned over the past year that make you a
      to pick the trophies we needed, engrave them,  better leader than when you started the Trio

      and ship them to us weeks before our Division  journey
      contests. I gave them barely enough time. Our              When I was elected Club Growth Director in

      first Division contest had their trophies within a  May of 2020, as a people we were lulled by the
      few days before their contest. I did stress out as  worry and nervousness of the pandemic. July
      I had cut the time a bit close. I wasn’t sure they  and August seemed like two long months of the
      would receive their trophies in time.                  dog days of summer...slow and sleepy. Before

         Lesson learned: consider customer needs  I knew it, it was September and then October.
      early and incorporate this consideration into  New Club Leads were the last thing on people’s
      my plans. For example, we need division contest  minds. The leads seemed good and were going
      trophies in April. I wrote in my plan for the year  to produce a club. In the end, they did not. What

                                                                                      VOICES! | JULY 2021        9
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