Page 10 - voices-2021-07
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       they did produce was experience and wisdom.  and learn during the year. He said, “don’t let
          On January 1, it seemed like a new dawn. It  2020 go by without taking advantage of what is

       was 2021 and time to get busy! Right away new  in front of us.”
       club leads started to come in. Clubs that were in
       the process of chartering began to make progress         When Jan 1, 2021 dawned, I reflected on Mr.
       and together we really pushed to get them over  Menon’s and Dr. Maxwell’s speech. I felt I had not

       the finish line! More new club leads evolved to  achieved all that I had wanted to. With further
       the point where I had more of them than time!  insight and reflection, I asked myself, “was I
          Looking back, I should have seen the telltale  flexible enough, did I serve enough, did I help
                                                             enough people?” I may not have achieved many

                                                             of the things that I wanted. If I helped others
                                                             with their goals, then I may have accomplished
                                                             more than I realized.
                                                                I learned to take advantage of every

                                                             opportunity to learn and to serve. By doing so, I
                                                             will grow as a lifelong learner and servant leader.
                                                                If you don’t think you have achieved your
                                                             goals, think on a deeper level. What have you

                                                             done for others? That, I believe, is what I learned
                                                             this past year.

       signs of the clubs that would not charter. It’s  Jim Robison, DTM - Club Growth
       learning how to understand people and situations  Director

       better. I also think that time goes faster than we
       think. I learned that I need to develop a stronger  As Club Growth Director, please share with
       plan and ask more people to get involved and  the members your vision for the coming year

       help early on. By doing so, I would not have to
       accomplish a year’s worth of work in six months!         There are two things I plan to focus on. First, I
          May to July seemed like a full year. There  want potential guests to find it as easy as possible
       was so much uncertainty, no one knew what  to find and visit a club that is convenient and

       was going to happen. I was inspired by our Past  fitting for them.
       International President Deepak Menon to set              Second, I want to ensure that all potential
       schedules and be an achiever! He recommended  new club leads get the best information and help
       setting a strategy for my own success. Master that  possible to build a successful team to charter

       activity and be better than I was the day before. “I  their club.
       can do this,” I said. I had the opportunity to hear
       a speech by Dr. John Maxwell. He encouraged  Please share at least two lessons you have

       us to decide early on what we wanted to achieve  learned in leadership that you believe will

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