Page 26 - voices-2021-07
P. 26


      us to sleep, and cortisol which promotes energy         we can begin to ignore it, cut corners, spend

      and alertness in our waking moments. Without            less and less time preparing for our projects or
      a proper amount of sleep-for me 7-9 hours of            even our club meeting roles. And while we may
      sleep daily/nightly, then our abilities will be         not begin to look hollow eyed, it does begin to
      impaired, our thinking, reacting, and health to         show in our daily lives. Thus, don’t ignore your

      begin to fail.                                          Toastmaster cycle as well. Work at it, spend the
          The highest of the four levels of sleep is          hours that you need on it, and most especially,
      REM (rapid eye movement) which is necessary             make it part of your cycle of life. Insomnia is
      to make us 100% refreshed and ready to go.              one thing, but lack of Toastmasters may not be

      Without it, well come and join the shufflers            recognizable as missing our positive mental
      on any of the walking dead programs. I think            attitude and health rhythm.
      of it as a computer core dump process, which               Ergo, fellow Toastmasters, get your sleep,
      allows our brain to sort through our memories           find time for quality and quantity rest, with

      and functions and do a fine tune-up job. Sleep          healthy choices and exercise of your mind.
      disorders only reverse our natural processes.           Pay the same amount of attention to your
      They send us down the road of ill health, poor or       avocation, Toastmasters, as you do your sleep.
      impaired judgement, and worse of all, eventual          You will indeed be better prepared emotionally,

      death. I do not want to put myself in harm’s way        physically, and mentally for the challenges of
      or find myself out of balance and ready to have         the day and life.
      my own private room with a coat with super long            Now it is time for me to prepare for my day
      sleeves to wrap myself with!                            off in a few hours. My tux, boiled shirt, top hat,

          Aging of course begins to chip away at some         and walking stick (with the wolf’s head and red
      of these functions as you know. But as for me,          stones for eyes of
      I don’t want to rush the process any. If I can          course) await me.
      take care of myself physically, mentally, and               Let me bid you

      spiritually, then I am all for it.                      a good evening as
          I have often heard that “sleep is overrated.        I lay upon my
      You get plenty of it when you pass on.” Just like       bed, hands folded
      our Toastmasters  education program Pathways,           upon my chest

      we need to work on our own health. I have heard         in the natural
      from many fellow Toastmasters and clubs in              repose. Come by
      District 7 over the past three years that Pathways      sometime and we
      “is overrated” and it is useless, unwieldly, and        can step out for a

      not meeting the needs of clubs or members.              drink, or a bite!
      Of course not. We actually have to work at the
      program, know what direction, what skills, what
      paths and goals we have for our future. Like sleep,

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