Page 25 - voices-2021-07
P. 25

Thus, I am now into my third month of  hours of sleep will do me. Later I have the
     working. I love the job, or better yet, the service  chance to actually sleep in my bed after 10:00
     opportunity, and the pay is decent as well. The  pm until morning. Wow! What a concept! My
     only issue so far are the hours and work schedule.  mommy always told me I was  a smart… fellow.

     I am on duty for three days, then three off. I  The black circles began to lighten, the shrunken
     work from 7:00 pm until 7:00 am. I must be  look began to change, but that is when I made
     awake during those hours. That means I “go to  decisions that have  changed my Toastmasters
     bed” at 7:15 am and hope I can sleep during the  life. Soon, I began to  understand what Dracula

     day enough to be fresh and ready for another  went through daily,  and embraced my night
     twelve-hour shift. I have now decided that I don’t  walker life- style.  Hide from the bright sun
     need sleep at all. At least that is what I have been  and listen to the  “music of the night” he
     trying to tell myself.                                  so loved. I have  not bought my cape yet,

         The first month was the worst so far. Could  but it is on the list!  Hopefully, we can skip the
     not for the life of me get into a sleep cycle or  blood sipping and  fangs routine. And I am too
     rhythm. On my days off, I couldn’t sleep at  claustrophobic for a coffin. Come by sometime
     night, and during my time on, couldn’t adjust  and we can step out for a bite!

     to the daylight, noise, etc. By my first paycheck,          Sleep-glorious sleep. As you may know,
     I had money in the bank, paid off my bills, but  we need sleep to allow our body and mind
     looked like a zombie or Beetlejuice with pallid  to recharge, assist in fighting diseases, and to
     skin and dark circles under my sunken eyes. I  make us alert and energetic. We have a “body

     think I picked up the “Walking Dead” shuffle as  clock” that in conjunction with a healthy diet
     well! Sleep? Sleep? I don’t need no stinkin’ sleep!     and a positive lifestyle, will enable the essential
         The second month was far better. On my  function of our body to concentrate and our
     workdays, I discovered the right kind of ear  brain to function at its peak.

     plugs-construction grade-which allowed me                   If we do not “listen” to our sleep-wake
     to ignore most noise around me. (But not the  homeostasis, then our brain will begin to shut
     bag pipe practice under my window!) Then I  down. Our sleep drive consists of two hormones;
     discovered that on my first day off, about five  melatonin which causes drowsiness and allows

                                                                                      VOICES! | JULY 2021       25
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