Page 28 - voices-2021-07
P. 28


       Got Skills?

       Ellen Ino, DTM

          Do you know the structure of our                   volunteer staff for District 7.

      organization? Well, members join a club. Four              •  Are you a beginning Toastmaster or are
      or more clubs are assigned to an Area Director                you in Levels 1-3 in your path?
      who helps and mentors the clubs. The four or               •  Do you have basic skills to advanced Zoom
      more Areas are assigned to a Division Director                skills? We need Zoom Masters!

      who helps and mentors Area Directors. Yep, you             •  Are you willing to introduce a presenter
      guessed it! Four or more Divisions Comprise a                 and help (except zoom) the presenter do
      District. We are in District 7 which spans from               a training? We need folks willing to be
      Castle Rock down the I-5 corridor to the Oregon/              Room Hosts!

      California border. Then we take in Del Norte               •  Do you train people at work or find
      and Modoc counties of California. In Oregon                   that you are showing people how to do
      the I-5 corridor counties and counties west to                something? Without giving away trade
      the coast. In Eastern Oregon we take in most of               secrets, how about looking into being a

      the counties except Morrow, Umatilla, Union,                  Potential Presenter on a topic that you
      Wallowa, Grant, Baker, and Malheur. Wow! Lots                 are already training folks? Great! Send
      of territory.                                                 in a training concept and let’s see if we
          Just as big businesses, nonprofits, and local             can offer it!

      governments have departments, decision-                    •  Do you love History? Are you good at
      making structure, and leadership chain of                     research? Does data entry come easily?
      command, so do we. Club to Area to Division to                Are you a bookkeeper at work or as a
      District to Region to International. Each level of            non-profit volunteer? Do you have a

      a big business, large nonprofit, local government             knack for GIS software? Wow!  We have
      has staff. So do we at the Area, Division and                 Leadership at all levels that would love to
      District. I’ve worked for the State of Oregon,                hear from you; from Harvey Schowe the
      the Oregon University System, and Metro. I’ve                 District Historian to our Creator of the

      worked within my unions. I’ve been a volunteer                first D7 database of volunteer skills and
      with several nonprofits at various levels of those            interests, to the Zoom Master, to each level
      organizations. I enjoyed the multi-layers and                 of our District’s Leadership!
      colleagues working together as a team to achieve           Are you almost done with Level 3 or you are

      common goals.                                          at Level 4 or 5?
          We could have such a structure and level of            •  Look ahead at the Level 4 and Level 5

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