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projects                                          ideas that have been on the back burner. Now
         •  See if your Area or Division Directors             is the time. Help the District and thereby help
             have projects that will satisfy one of those      yourself!
             electives                                             Ya know what?

         •  Do you need a High-Performance                         We can all help the District if we spend
             Leadership Project?  See if the Division          a few hours per month to handl large scale
             or District has one                               projects which take a lot more time. We can
         •  We need Zoom Master Team Leaders for               help train and mentor the next generation of

             events                                            leaders.
         Perhaps you are looking for a Distinguished               Contact!  Eldred,
      Toastmaster project. Well, tell the District             Lorri and Jim will get your volunteer message
      Leadership now. After all, you need the District’s       to the right person.

      approval on your DTM project. There are many

                                                                                      VOICES! | JULY 2021       29
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