Page 13 - 2017.May Voices
P. 13


          Well Done!

          by John Rodke, DTM—Club Growth Director

          Spring of 2017 has been a blast! It has been        take advantage of.
       my pleasure to see members grow, take on new           You will grow by
       challenges, and having fun in Toastmasters!            leaps and bounds. We would love to share your
          Spring Conference was a wonderful                   wisdom and energy with our clubs and commu-
       experience. Excellent competition, enlightening        nity to keep our District Thriving.
       presentations from Cathey, and inspiring                   Congratulations to our new Club Officers.
       breakout sessions. A huge thank you for those          I hope you are ready to attend our TLI
       who orchestrated the event and for the members         (Toastmasters Leadership Institute) at Wilsonville
       who attended. Please pass on what you learned          High School on June 3rd. This event will provide
       to your clubs.                                         actionable steps for success in your experimental
          Abundant opportunities are available to             laboratory of a club.
       develop your leadership and communication                  Experimental Laboratory? Yes, the club is
       skills:                                                where we get the chance to try out new stories,
          Area Directorships—We have a slate of nine          communication methods, and ideas to help our
       experienced and enthusiastic Division Directors        members grow. I hope you are excited about
       to work with. Area Directorship teaches you            this opportunity.
       how to serve, and lead, large groups of people             It is my honor to move forward as your
       to success, with a strong team to support you.         Program Quality Director. I am inspired to be
       I encourage you to step into this role and grow        working with an amazing team of motivated
       as a leader. If you do not feel ready for this, we     individuals to create an exceptional member
       are creating two support positions as Assistant        experience as we all get out of our comfort zone,
       Area Directors. This will give you the chance          and into our growth zone.
       to shadow the role so you will thrive at it in the         Two questions:
       future.                                                    •  How are you growing in Toastmasters?
          Pathways Guides—Everybody, with a                       •  Will you join us in leading our District
       Competent Communcator award and above,                        to success?
       received an email letting you know about this
       opportunity. Adele will have more information
       on this role.
          My deepest thanks to the excellent leaders
       currently working to keep our Distirict vibrant
       as Club Coaches, Sponsors and Mentors. We are
       experiencing a plethora of success with clubs
       chartering this year. These roles are a great way to
       share your Toastmasters experience with others,
       grow as an empathetic leader, and create positive
       impact for the future. Revitalizing a club, getting
       one started, and establishing/maintaining a
       powerful, dynamic, and life changing culture, are
       amazing experiences every Toastmaster should

      VOLUME 3 ISSUE 11  MAY, 2017                                                                           13
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