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erty Talkers—Fun and Flexibility in Action. . .

Joe Anthony, VP PR—Liberty Talkers

Some weeks ago, our club meeting space was guests gathered we piled into cars and formed
occupied. The new manager of Standard TV a caravan to the nearest city park.
and Appliance forgot about
our Wednesday night On a mild summer day amidst
sessions, and held an open- the douglas firs, under an awning
house in the conference room with our club gathered around on
we normally meet. As rows of park benches, we held
members and guests of one of our funniest, most spirited
Liberty Talkers arrived, we meetings to date. Seeing
were left milling about in the members outside the usual
parking lot, questioning our professional setting allowed us to
next action. bond as a group, proving that
Liberty Talkers was more than
There was, of course, nothing to do about our just a club we frequent to hone our skills. It’s
predicament. So we slunk away one by one, the people we call friends and fellow
kicking cans down the road, cursing our luck. At Toastmasters. Embrace the unknown; enjoy the
least, that’s what we would have done had our unpredictable; and make the most of the
club lacked the flexibility and quick-thinking that unforeseen. Be flexible as a team, and you will
makes Liberty Talkers what it is. Our Club be rewarded.
Coach, Club President, and VP of Education
stood in the parking lot flagging down members, And our guest that eventful evening? She has
calling an impromptu huddle. Once we were returned to our club several times since, and
positive we had all our attending members and has expressed interest in becoming a full
member of Liberty Talkers.

Sporty Speakers Toastmasters: A Model of Excellence

On July 30, 2014 Nike, Inc. welcomed a new Toastmasters club to their
Headquarters campus in Beaverton. The members of Sporty
Speakers (named after their host company’s market niche)
are focused on becoming President’s Distinguished during
their charter year. Club sponsors and mentors Patrick Touhy
and Bill Hernandez, both seasoned Toastmasters, have started
the club off on the right foot. So far they have completed 5 of 10 goals in the
Distinguished Club Program including adding 7 new members since their original
charter base of 27 members.

On October 6th, the club celebrated chartering with a
potluck, great speeches by members, and
presentation of certificates to charter members
by Lt. Governor Marketing Leanna Lindquist.

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