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han Cook —Division F Member of the Month

Nathan is known for his big smile, his always at the ready hug,
and his infectious laughter. His enthusiasm for Toastmasters is
inspiring. He learns quickly, supports other members, and does
whatever is asked when it is asked. His follow up is reliable--and
makes him a real pleasure to work with as a club officer.
In addition to his participation in Competitive Speakers PDX,
Nathan was also recently tapped as a mentor for Airbnb a soon-
to-be new club. We are lucky to count Nathan as a member of
Competitive Speakers PDX.

District 7 Welcomes October’s New Members to Division F

Club Name Last Name First Name Club Name Last Name First Name
Electric Toasters Club Alvarez Celeste
Oregon Toastmasters Club Anderson Glen The Society of Oratory Aerialists Larue Nick
Portlandia Club Busenbark Lisa Tower Toastmasters
Motormouths Club Dieni Brandon Portlandia Club Liu Jie
Sunrise Toastmasters Club Donaghue Shaun Motormouths Club
Professionals of Portland Eastman Bruce Oregonian Club Martyn Lafe
Professionals of Portland Eastman Cindy The Standard Speakeasy
Essayons Club Ergenekan Lindsay Portlandia Club Maruska Michael
Professionals of Portland Fruehling Christine Professionals of Portland
Sunrise Toastmasters Hakimelahi Hamed Essayons Club Mason Shelly
The Standard Speakeasy
NoonTime Club Hegland Dewitt Missi Professionals of Portland Miller John
Essayons Club Hicks Jeffrey Oregonian Club
The Soc of Oratory Aerialists Kemp Chelsea Essayons Club Modie Kathy
Portlandia Club
Olivares Daniel

Reed Jaime

Skufca Andrea

Tarango Virginia

Temple Doreen

Tilton Jeffrey

White Sean

POP Celebrates Members

Professionals of Portland (POP) recently celebrated it’s members with a Toasty’s
awards ceremony. They toasted their club's Competent Communicators and

awarded their talented members. All club members had a chance to cast their
vote and gathered together to pass out awards and
congratulate the winners. POP Club President, Alina
Pariyani, shared “We had quite a turnout with many
guests, who also had a chance to participate in an
extended Table Topics session.“ (How are you celebrating your members? Follow
POP’s example and celebrate often.—Editor)

“A real leader, cooperative rather than dictatorial, is altruistic in disposition. He has ide-
als which he believes may be good for others, and he tries to establish them because
they are good,not because they will make him rich or powerful, or even make him feel
better.He is not primarily concerned about his own glory or enrichment.He is willing to

stay out of the spotlight,so long as he is helping his fellow men.” Dr.Ralph Smedley,
Personally Speaking,August 1954)

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