Page 12 - Voices aug2014 8.5.2014
P. 12
(Writing 101 Continued from page 11)
XYZ Toastmasters. John’s humorous speech took us Whatever article you write, personalize it with
on an entertaining roller coaster ride from suspense storytelling, quotes, and personal information. It
to comic relief and back again as he told us a story will make your article interesting, entertaining,
about meeting up with the and most importantly, read to the very end.
ghost of Henry Ford, the
inventor of the Model T,
that had the us rolling in Who will it be? Will it be YOU?
the aisles and begging for
more. When speaking with The new year brings new opportunities to
John after his first place recognize the unsung heroes of our clubs. You
win, he shared that the events actually took place know them as the people who always lend a hand,
when he was 18 and off to college in New or step up to fill roles, or do some individual
Westminster, Canada.” coaching when they see a fellow member
floundering. They exemplify the club mission: “We
Okay, you’ve hooked the audience with your provide a supportive and positive learning experience
opening, now tell John’s story. In the body of in which members are empowered to develop
your article, make him real to the reader. This communication and leadership skills, resulting in
would be more than just a listing of his greater self-confidence and
accomplishments. Talk about his day, his dog, his personal growth. “
family, or what he ate for breakfast on the day he
competed. Use quotes rather than paraphrasing, To honor our members, we will
people love to read about what other people recognize outstanding members of the district
have to say. Share with the reader what inspired with the Division Member of the Month Program.
John to tell THIS story and how it changed his Each month the selected person from each
outlook on life, or what he learned from the division will be awarded an outstanding member
experience, or something that builds a common pin along with a certificate of congratulations.
connection with the reader.
An article about the month’s
Now that you’ve created the opportunity for the winners will appear in Voices! on
reader to connect with John using storytelling their home Division pages.
and quotes, it’s time to close with a bang. This Everyone nominated will be
could be a call to action, an important point, or listed in a companion article.
ending with a zinger quote. You could end with Clubs have autonomy to
something like, “John may have found himself nominate whomever they feel
stranded on the side of the road when he was 18, deserves the honor. Nominations can be made by
but he won’t be stranded on the stage at the emailing to or by
November 5th Fall Conference where he competes clicking on this link. Each division drawing will be
against eight other contestants for the title of selected by computer generated random draw and
District 7 Humorous Champion. Be sure you buy announced the following month.
your tickets now before the price increases on On April 30th, we will draw from the winners of
September 30th. You won’t want to miss one each month’s drawing, and award the winner a
moment of the rollercoaster ride this winner is sure Member of the Year Plaque at the Spring
to provide.”
XYZ Toastmasters. John’s humorous speech took us Whatever article you write, personalize it with
on an entertaining roller coaster ride from suspense storytelling, quotes, and personal information. It
to comic relief and back again as he told us a story will make your article interesting, entertaining,
about meeting up with the and most importantly, read to the very end.
ghost of Henry Ford, the
inventor of the Model T,
that had the us rolling in Who will it be? Will it be YOU?
the aisles and begging for
more. When speaking with The new year brings new opportunities to
John after his first place recognize the unsung heroes of our clubs. You
win, he shared that the events actually took place know them as the people who always lend a hand,
when he was 18 and off to college in New or step up to fill roles, or do some individual
Westminster, Canada.” coaching when they see a fellow member
floundering. They exemplify the club mission: “We
Okay, you’ve hooked the audience with your provide a supportive and positive learning experience
opening, now tell John’s story. In the body of in which members are empowered to develop
your article, make him real to the reader. This communication and leadership skills, resulting in
would be more than just a listing of his greater self-confidence and
accomplishments. Talk about his day, his dog, his personal growth. “
family, or what he ate for breakfast on the day he
competed. Use quotes rather than paraphrasing, To honor our members, we will
people love to read about what other people recognize outstanding members of the district
have to say. Share with the reader what inspired with the Division Member of the Month Program.
John to tell THIS story and how it changed his Each month the selected person from each
outlook on life, or what he learned from the division will be awarded an outstanding member
experience, or something that builds a common pin along with a certificate of congratulations.
connection with the reader.
An article about the month’s
Now that you’ve created the opportunity for the winners will appear in Voices! on
reader to connect with John using storytelling their home Division pages.
and quotes, it’s time to close with a bang. This Everyone nominated will be
could be a call to action, an important point, or listed in a companion article.
ending with a zinger quote. You could end with Clubs have autonomy to
something like, “John may have found himself nominate whomever they feel
stranded on the side of the road when he was 18, deserves the honor. Nominations can be made by
but he won’t be stranded on the stage at the emailing to or by
November 5th Fall Conference where he competes clicking on this link. Each division drawing will be
against eight other contestants for the title of selected by computer generated random draw and
District 7 Humorous Champion. Be sure you buy announced the following month.
your tickets now before the price increases on On April 30th, we will draw from the winners of
September 30th. You won’t want to miss one each month’s drawing, and award the winner a
moment of the rollercoaster ride this winner is sure Member of the Year Plaque at the Spring
to provide.”