Page 16 - Voices aug2014 8.5.2014
P. 16
David Taylor is the Division B
Governor. He has served his club in
several club officer roles, as well as a
new club mentor, and coach. As
Division B Governor he is focused on
assuring that his team has the tools they
need to be successful, so that they can
serve the members of the Division and help them to
achieve their goals.
Wesley Sweitzr, CC
Area 35 Governor
W e s l e y S w e i t z e r “ M y f a t h e r
recommended Toastmasters three years ago. Previously, he advised
that I work at a sewage plant or a recycling center (both noble
professions). I was dubious of his advice. I had a master’s degree in social work
and enjoyed helping people. My Uncle Tex was Toastmaster and an aircraft
engineer with General Dynamics. Every serious toastmaster only has one regret
regarding Toastmasters; why didn't I join Toastmasters sooner? “
Rosanne Smith is the Area 32 Governor. She joined Toast
of Corvallis in November, 2010. She has earned her Advanced
Communicator Bronze and her Competent Leader awards. As
Area 32 Governor, she anticipates that she will be able to
work on her leadership skills while helping her clubs achieve
their own successes. She is looking forward to a year of fun,
networking, and meeting new people.
Ken Harris “I was invited to a Yawn Patrol Toastmasters meeting six years
ago after I did a presentation about my business at the time. Needless to
say, I joined and have been a member since. I have served as VP-PR, VP-
Membership, President last year and currently Sergeant at Arms. I have
learned so much from the Toastmasters organization. I want to help others
Ken Harris, gain the skills and confidence that have been so beneficial to me in my
Area 31 Governor business experience in the last six years. I served as an area governor two
years ago. It is my desire to use that experience to do a better job this time.
My personal goal is to achieve my DTM by the end of the 2015 TM year. On a personal note, I
work for the Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce part-time on the membership sales team.
I serve as a volunteer for the SCORE organization and my wife has a small business making
fudge. I am looking forward to meeting a new group of Toastmasters this year.”
Governor. He has served his club in
several club officer roles, as well as a
new club mentor, and coach. As
Division B Governor he is focused on
assuring that his team has the tools they
need to be successful, so that they can
serve the members of the Division and help them to
achieve their goals.
Wesley Sweitzr, CC
Area 35 Governor
W e s l e y S w e i t z e r “ M y f a t h e r
recommended Toastmasters three years ago. Previously, he advised
that I work at a sewage plant or a recycling center (both noble
professions). I was dubious of his advice. I had a master’s degree in social work
and enjoyed helping people. My Uncle Tex was Toastmaster and an aircraft
engineer with General Dynamics. Every serious toastmaster only has one regret
regarding Toastmasters; why didn't I join Toastmasters sooner? “
Rosanne Smith is the Area 32 Governor. She joined Toast
of Corvallis in November, 2010. She has earned her Advanced
Communicator Bronze and her Competent Leader awards. As
Area 32 Governor, she anticipates that she will be able to
work on her leadership skills while helping her clubs achieve
their own successes. She is looking forward to a year of fun,
networking, and meeting new people.
Ken Harris “I was invited to a Yawn Patrol Toastmasters meeting six years
ago after I did a presentation about my business at the time. Needless to
say, I joined and have been a member since. I have served as VP-PR, VP-
Membership, President last year and currently Sergeant at Arms. I have
learned so much from the Toastmasters organization. I want to help others
Ken Harris, gain the skills and confidence that have been so beneficial to me in my
Area 31 Governor business experience in the last six years. I served as an area governor two
years ago. It is my desire to use that experience to do a better job this time.
My personal goal is to achieve my DTM by the end of the 2015 TM year. On a personal note, I
work for the Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce part-time on the membership sales team.
I serve as a volunteer for the SCORE organization and my wife has a small business making
fudge. I am looking forward to meeting a new group of Toastmasters this year.”