Page 20 - October 2020 Voices
P. 20


       My Toastmasters Journey

       Turning Panic into Peace

       Kate Beck, PM1

      The doors swung wide open. The opportunities           community that did not feel welcoming, nor
      in front of me burst in like a strong gust of wind     aligned with my values, goals, or ethics. I

      and threw open the doors of my career and              attempted to communicate with my coworkers
      shook it to the core of its foundation. The chance     about diversity and inclusion so that we could
      to take over my mother’s business, a contract          be more accessible in assisting members of all
      renegotiation at the firm, and a tantalizing           mobilities, races, and genders, but they were

      presidenial nomination were all waiting on my          unreceptive. I yearned to be a part of a team
      doorstep.                                              where diversity was proudly represented which
          The options presented to me were those that        pursued a mission of inclusion. I wanted to be
      I dreamed of receiving in my career. Yet when          able to assist any individual I could, shedding

      they finally came, I could not shake an aching         light on the power of positivity and ethical
      feeling in my stomach. So, I gently shut the doors     guidance.
      and turned them all away.                                  While I was juggling these conflicting feelings,
          Ripping off the bandaid of being comfortably       I was nominated to be the president of Women

      miserable in my career did not come easily.            in Financial Services, a Board I’d proudly
      The contract renegotiation at my former firm           served on for several years. The nomination was
      presented me with the potential to make more           something I had dreamed of and yet this aching
      income than I ever had before. Despite this,           feeling in my stomach continued to rise up within

      I was never happy as a member of a working             me. I loved this Board, but I felt conflicted. My
                                                             support system was not stable, the balance of my
                                                             environment was off-kilter, and the timing did
                                                             not feel right. With my contract renegotiation

                                                             on the table and the nomination awaiting my
                                                             response, I was forced to look within myself
                                                             and ask “Why is my heart so heavy? Why am I
                                                             so unhappy?” In an agonizing decision, I turned

                                                             them both away.
                                                                 Fortunately, shortly before closing the door
                                                             on these opportunities, I was introduced to the
                                                             community and framework of Toastmasters. A

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