Page 17 - October 2020 Voices
P. 17

My journey was truly happenstance. I joined  the club meeting, thought about the position. I
      Milwaukie Talkies in April 2014, and became  called Kathleen, “I will take this journey on if

      an Area Director in August of 2015. I remember  you are willing to mentor me.” She did and that
      attending my first Toastmasters Leadership  was the beginning of a beautiful friendship and
      Institute (TLI) training in June of 2015. There in  my Toastmasters leadership journey.
      a VP Membership training, I was asked by then              Own It and Grow From It! By saying ‘Yes’

      incoming Division E Director Kathleen Tully  to becoming a Club VP Membership, my
      if I would be interested in serving as an Area  Leadership path opened up. Like many, I was
      Director. Who?  What?  I did not have any idea  reluctant, but I said “Yes.” The power of YES is
      what that was about, so I said tentatively: “Yes, I  Transformational. Say Yes and the world opens

      will think about it and will get back to you.” I was  up to you!  Pieces come together in a Symphony
      sure I just said that to be polite and forgot about  of Synchronicity!  (SOS)
      it after leaving the training. Six weeks or so later       An SOS is considered a cry for help in one way.
      I attended a Division E Make-Up Training. I did  In our way it brings all the necessary elements

      not need the training for credit, but wanted to  together and provides the help and assistance to
      learn more. There, I saw Kathleen again. After  transform and grow you and, in turn, transform
      the training, she again asked about the position.  and grow your club and Toastmasters!
      I was asked if I were interested as they were still        The next “Yes” was to become an Area

      looking for an Area Director. I mumbled . . .  Director. By regularly visiting the clubs assigned
      “I’ll think about it some more.” Perhaps I did  to me, I met so many Toastmasters. From this,
      or perhaps I was again being polite. I didn’t  I learned how to assist individuals and clubs
      think about it until several weeks later in my  and be a resource and share ideas and support

      club meeting. The Club President said: “We still  challenged clubs.
      don’t have an Area 65 Director.” Three knocks              By saying “Yes,” I became a Division
      on my door . . . The Universe is clearly wanting  Director. I learned how to be creative, positive
      me to take on this journey. I came home after  and encouraging as I worked with a team of

                                                                                 VOICES! | OCTOBER 2020         17
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