Page 16 - October 2020 Voices
P. 16


      Time to Plant the Tulips…

       Emilie Taylor, DTM - Immediate Past District Director

      Oh my, how time flies!  Last year around this              In our District, we will elect the following
      time, I appointed Adele O’Neal, DTM, as the  District leaders: District Director, Program

      Chair of the District Leadership Committee  Quality Director, Club Growth Director, and
      (DLC). Thank you, Adele, for a job well-done.  Division Directors. The Area Directors, along
      This time around our current District Director,  with the Public Relations Manager, Finance
      PJ Kleffner, DTM, has appointed me as the Chair  Manager and Public Relations Manager, are

      of the DLC. Thank you, PJ, for your confidence  appointed positions. More detailed descriptions
      and trust. It is my honor and pleasure to serve  and additional information will be shared in my
      in this position. I will do my best to carry out  article next month.
      the functions of the position.                             As I prepare for this volunteer work, I can’t

          What is the DLC’s function?  Per the District  help but think about my own Toastmasters
      Leadership Handbook: “The District Leadership  leadership journey. The biggest and loudest
      Committee is charged with nominating  message that resonates is: “Own It and Grow from
      candidates to District office . . . and the purpose  It!” I am the testament that by owning and facing

      of the Committee is to find the best-qualified  our own fears and shortcomings, then sharing
      candidates possible to serve as District leaders.” them, we discover our own “Person,” capable of
          In the next several weeks, I will be reaching  much higher aspirations than we ever imagined.
      out to our members as I form the committee. We             I initially joined Toastmasters to find friends.

      will need 8 members, each member representing  What I found was a world of possibilities . . . Truly
      one of the 8 Division (Divisions A to H) in our  Un-Limited Infinite Possibilities (TULIP) . . .
      District. If you find yourself receiving a message  what you put in is what you get out. Like a tulip,
      from me, it is more likely that will be the reason  pressed into the ground and walked on from

      why I am calling on you. I hope that you will take  time to time, it grows from within and at the
      this on as a new learning experience. Now is the  right time breaks through the earth and blooms
      time if you are not planning or committed on  in its own unique and beautiful way. That is why
      serving as a  2021-2022 District leader.               we tiptoe through the tulips . . .

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