Page 13 - 2015-07voices
P. 13

each with 8 options for attendees, providing training and
discussion on various topics: officer training, personal
development, mentoring, and evaluations.

Ann Kroetch, Volunteer
Coordinator, r e c r u i t e d
room coordinators who
readied the room for the
speaker, introduced them,
timed the speech and then
thanked them on behalf of
the District.

Eldred Brown and his
team warmly welcomed

  and quickly ensured
  each attendee registered
  so their r e s p e c t i v e c l u b would receive credit

                                         for the officers’

                                         Clubs whose all 7
                                         officers attended TLI
                                         earned admission to
                                         a special event, “Meet

The Masters,” with delicious appetizers and an informal Q & A session with 3 Past
International Presidents Jana Barnhill, Robert Barnhill and Gary Schmidt.

Thanks again to Leanna Lindquist for securing a comfortable, air conditioned facility,
the Wilsonville High School, so attendees did not have to experience some of the
hottest weather yet.

This was a wonderful start, readying the District for another year of success.

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