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                             Life Changing Experiences in the Bahamas

               The True Story of Adventures at a Toastmaster Convention

                                          Doctor Gwendolyn Avington

                                        District 7 Club Growth Director

              District Leader Training Nassau, Bahamas was
              a life changing experience on my Toastmasters
              journey. I was already excited in my role as Jim
              Robison, District Director for District 7, and
              I had participated in 21 interviews with then
              potential International leaders. I was intrigued
              by all the new ideas for improving Toastmasters
              member experience, increasing members,
              retaining members, and changes to the Pathways       Dr, Gwen Avington and Jim Robison pick up
              education program (i.e., 6 Pathways instead of       their name plates at the 2023 convention.
              11, New Learning Management System (LMS)).
              As if this was not exciting enough, I was going
              to get the opportunity to meet all these hopeful     an opportunity to grow and learn to blend our
              candidates in person in Nassau, Bahamas.             styles for the benefit of successfully leading the
                                                                   district throughout the Toastmasters year.
              District 7 Commitment and                            Flight To Bahamas


                                                                   The first leg of the flight was fun for me. As we
              On August 13, 2023, Jim and I met at the airport     checked bags, the airline agent struck up
              to start our journey to the Bahamas as District      a conversation with me about Toastmasters in
              Leaders. My first lesson on this life changing       the area. She expressed that she used to
              experience was to learn about my own District        be in Toastmasters and would like to reengage
              Leader. Jim is a man of few words unless he          with the organization. I had a great time
              feels he needs to speak up. I learned that he is     reminding her of the benefits of Toastmasters for
              a thinker, not a rush to just get it done. He is a   her both personally and professionally.
              teacher that wants you to be successful. I shared    I had almost too much fun, as we had to leave
              with him my Toastmasters goals and aspirations       her, hurry through security, and get to our
              and he started from there to fill in the spaces      flight that was in the process of boarding.
              he thought would be most helpful to me. As           As we arrived in Atlanta, Georgia for the next
              we spent time at District Leader Training, my        leg of the flight, it was surreal for me. We
              respect for and understanding of his leadership      had arrived and met with many others from our
              and communication style grew. I believe this         Toastmasters Tribe. It was a marvel to
              was significant because I understood how my          me to be in the company of so many individuals
              leadership and communication styles mixed            that had stepped up to Toastmasters
              with and was different from his styles. This was     District Leadership. I was new to the process as

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