Page 11 - 2024-01
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sounds, and 60% by our body language. In empathic You may be wondering why we do what we
listening, you listen with your ears, but you also, and do. It’s because we know how hard it can be to
more importantly, listen with your eyes and with provide feedback that puts someone at ease, while
your heart.” internalizing what you’re saying, and turning your
advice into action. Learning how to evaluate a
At Feedbackers, we listen for feeling, for meaning. person’s performance effectively and tactfully is best
We listen for behavior. We use our right brain as done through practice. Practice makes progress.
well as our left. We sense, we feel, and we act (give Feedbackers Toastmasters provides one of the safest
feedback). places possible to learn and practice these skills.
In addition to empathetic listening, Feedbackers Want to learn how to improve your empathetic
brings together organization and impromptu listening, critical thinking, and giving positive
speaking skills. These are the skills that make us feedback? Come and join us! Feedbackers meets
stand apart from other clubs. Our members join on the 2nd Wednesday of each month from 7pm-
Feedbackers because they realized that providing 8:15pm PST/PDT.
feedback on what people do well and what they
can improve on is how growth happens. We do Since 2020 and the start of the pandemic,
this by having speakers present at Feedbackers Feedbackers meetings have been moved online.
and then having four members or guests evaluate Inclusive hybrid meetings will be considered at a
those speakers in Toastmasters’ trademark style later time.
that embraces constructive feedback, respect,
inclusiveness, and diversity. Those four evaluators Visit our website: https//feedbackers.
are then given feedback so they, too, can improve. for more information or
All these great activities are done in one hour and Email for the Zoom
fifteen minutes. link.