Page 12 - march
P. 12
Be Distinguished with District 7
On Saturday, March 12, Oregon, California, release a lot of positive energy. An ease on the
and Washington lifted their mask mandates restrictions will allow for club growth and the
for most indoor public places. This will allow building of new clubs. Are we ready to harness
many of our clubs more opportunities to return that energy and use it to expand Toastmasters
to their physical locations either for hybrid or opportunities for more members?
in-person meetings. Knowing how a significant What are our goals? Do we want to be a
number, maybe even most of our members, long Distinguished District? I know I do. With the
for a return to in-person meetings, this end to continued explosion of new energy, I think
most of our mask mandates has the potential to it’s possible. What do we need to do to be a
Distinguished District? What do you need to do
to be Distinguished with District 7?
Club Growth
We currently have 134 clubs in good standing.
• We need to finish the year with 142 clubs
to be Distinguished.
To accomplish this. . .
• Every club that’s now in good standing
needs to pay dues for at least 8 members
to remain in good standing.
• The 8 clubs with fewer than 8 members
need to pay dues for at least 8 members
by April 1 to return to good standing.
• After achieving the above, we still need
to build 3 new clubs. For every club
that gets suspended from the 8 above,
we’ll need to build another new one to
replace it.