Page 11 - march
P. 11

to close the gap and get to the other
                                                                         side of the problem. I’ve been there

                                                                         myself. Once we understand and
                                                                         desire to change, the rest is easy.

                                                                         Looking to the Future

                                                                            My dream is to live in Sicily,
                                                                         ideally near the water, and spend
                                                                         my time pursuing art and music.
                                                                         But, if that is not possible, I want

                                                                         to go back to Omaha and live in
                                                                         Little Italy.
                                                                            My mother instilled the need to

                                                                         be productive! So maybe I will use
                                                                         my MBA and do volunteer work,
                                                                         helping small businesses through
                                                                         the Small Business Administration’s
                                                                         SCORE program.

                                                                         Final Words

                                                                            Many people believe that

                                                                         Toastmasters is about public
                                                                         speaking, and leadership training is
                                                                         sprinkled here and there for people
                                                                         who may want it. However, taking
  numbers were not matching the great work                               the course in leadership and ethics

  I saw. We reviewed the steps in online record               while serving in District leadership opened
  keeping and found they were missing a step                  my eyes to the possibilities of Toastmasters
  in logging the Pathway levels. It was easy to               and the importance of influencers. I know

  fix. The Vice President of Education did all                people who take a Club-level office but never
  the hard work. He corrected the process and                 look beyond their Club.
  made the adjustments.                                          The next phase of self-development is
      Their story is mine, too. People, or clubs,             where all the growth happens. The world
  often get stuck on a process or premise.                    needs informed influencers who can lead

  Maybe it was my experience with consulting                  indirectly. That is how we can make a
  and knowing how to trace the wires back                     difference and help make the world better.
  and find the issue. Thankfully, they wanted

                                                                                   VOICES! | MARCH 2022         11
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