Page 10 - march
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          I don’t know if mama was right, that we each have a destiny, or if  people in Toastmasters, belonging to a club
      it was Lt Dan, that we are all just floating around, accidental, like on a  helped me be a more effective presenter

      breeze, but I think. . . I think. . . maybe. . . it’s both happening at the  and trainer. Currently, I am taking a class in
      same time.                                             Leadership and Ethics. In addition, having a
                                                             District 7 leadership position has helped me

          L ife is like a box of chocolates;you never know what you’re gonna get  grasp concepts quickly.

          Transferable skills are the foundation of  Toastmasters
      my life. Like many people, I learn something               While working as a safety consultant for
      then tuck it away until a need comes. Then,  Washington critical access and suburban

      when needed, I take the skill or lesson  hospitals, I had to step into the spotlight
      and combine it with what I am learning.  and make presentations or design and
      Amazingly, it is like that box of chocolates;  conduct employee training. Public speaking

      we never know the outcome or where work  is a massive challenge for an introvert.
      will lead us until it happens.                         Eventually, practice through Toastmasters
          Many of us Baby Boomers can’t stay  helped me drop the 3x5 cards I clutched
      retired! I worked as a safety consultant in  like a security blanket and finally relax. The
      healthcare for many years. I keep my safety  most valuable lesson I am still learning is

      and emergency management certifications,  meeting people where they stand and helping
      just in case. The second time I retired was  them move in the direction they want. I’ve
      from Puget Sound Educational Service  experienced feeling stuck, unappreciated,

      District as their return-to-work manager. In  and quitting in frustration. Validating,
      between, I created and conducted training  recognizing, and rewarding people are
      in workplace violence prevention and did  essential in a volunteer organization like
      other consulting.                                      Toastmasters. People need to know that
          There always seems to be a need for  what they do has purpose and meaning for

      something we have learned in the past. As  themselves and others.
      a full-time student at Eastern Washington
      University and part-time blogger, lessons  Club Coach Experience

      are learned and used daily. For example,                   Wake-up Beaverton is a friendly
      learning how to set up a website for my  Toastmasters club filled with intelligent
      Early Words Toastmasters Club helped me  people. I joined them via Zoom and observed
      appreciate my experience as a journalism  for several weeks. Members were consistent
      student in the 1970s and writing for small  in giving speeches, taking roles, and putting

      newspapers—learning how to layout a page  on a great meeting. The Vice President
      online is like setting up a newspaper page.            of Education was doing everything right.
          Although I am one of those off-and-on  However, the Distinguished Club Program

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