Page 17 - march
P. 17

What Can You Do to Finish the Year Strong?

 Jim Robison, DTM - Club Growth Director

         publicize, and conduct a kick-off meeting,  14. Club officers can follow up with their new club
         and get enough Charter members to Charter              members to confirm they completed the new

         the club (1 to 3 months). (That Toastmaster            member survey and be entered for a prize
         would win a $100 gift certificate to the               drawing (3 to 5 minutes per new member).
         Toastmasters store and the club would get  15. Club officers can send the guest survey to all
         $200 in Toastmasters equipment and supplies            guests who visit their club meetings and be
         to get the club off to a good start.)                  entered for a prize drawing (1 minute at each

     11.  A Toastmaster can review their club’s website,        meeting).
         and the club listing at Find- 16. A Toastmaster can write an article about their
         A-Club to ensure that all information is               Toastmasters experiences and submit it for

         accurate so that prospective members find it           publication in Voices! (2 hours to 2 weeks).
         easy to contact the club and visit a meeting.
         (20 to 30 minutes.)                                    Much can be completed in the next 3 months.
     12. A Toastmaster can fill out a volunteer form  What if these items are repeated by multiple
         at individuals? For example, if each club added one

         club/ to let District leadership know what  new member every other week, that would be 6
         they are willing to help with beyond their  new members per club and 840 new members
         club (5 minutes).                                  in the District. If one person in each area found

     13. A Toastmaster can fill in a Bingo card  one solid new club lead to work with to plan,
         entry to indicate the various tasks they  publicize, and conduct a club launch, that would
         have accomplished this year (https:// be 35 new clubs! and win                Consider what on this list you can accomplish.
         prizes (2 minutes).

                                                                                   VOICES! | MARCH 2022         17
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