Page 18 - march
P. 18


                                     Take the Bus

                      PJ Kleffner, DTM - Immediate Past District Director

           Salesmen often get a company car as one of  was several years before, some college students
       their job perks. The best job I ever had didn’t  were killed by the police during a protest. Each

       include a company car – it came with airplane  year, students would march to commemorate
       tickets! For ten years, I was a Sales Engineer for a  that event. As the tour bus turned the corner
       high-tech company. I worked in the international  and stopped in front of the hotel, something
       group that supported our distributors in  didn’t seem right. The hotel was on a very busy,

       “developing markets.” These were mostly third- major 8-lane street, but there were no cars! A
       world countries. During that ten years, I racked  couple of blocks up the street, we saw 10,000
       up nearly a million air miles visiting thirty-three  students marching toward us. Coming from
       countries on six continents. I quickly discovered  the other direction was the Seoul riot squad,

       that the best way to immerse myself in the local  decked out in helmets, face masks, shields, and
       culture was to take the bus. .                         batons. They were marching toward us in a flying
           Just a few weeks into my new job in  wedge formation. We were at ground zero! Mr.
       September, 1989, I was sent to cover a trade show  Lee looked at this, then turned to me and said,

       in South Korea. We had lavish expense accounts  “Maybe better take taxi.”
       so we usually took a taxi or had a hired driver           Fortunately, there was a taxi queue right in
       everywhere we went. I stayed over the weekend  front of the bus stop, so I got out of there before
       and decided to book a sight-seeing tour. It  the fun began. In spite of my intention, I didn’t

       departed from a different hotel, so I took a taxi  get to ride the bus during that trip to Seoul.
       there to meet the tour bus. The tour guide, Mr.           Then there was the ride on a small, commuter
       Lee, saw me get out of the taxi and asked where  bus in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. There was a
       I was staying. When I told him, he said, “You  large open market fairly close to my hotel, and

       should take the bus when we get back. It will be  I decided to venture there on a bus. I found out
       much cheaper. He told me the bus number to  which bus went there, but I didn’t know the name
       catch and said it would stop directly in front of  of the stop, or exactly how far it was. Our local
       my hotel.” I wasn’t worried about the money, but  distributor had taken me there before, so I knew

       I thought it would be a good experience.               I would recognize it. When I got on the bus, I
           As we returned to the drop-off point after the  soon discovered there was a problem. I am six
       tour, Mr. Lee was reminding me about taking  feet tall, which is a foot or more taller than most
       the bus back to my hotel. What I didn’t know  of the people in Kuala Lumpur. The bus was

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