Page 36 - Voices-2021-10
P. 36


      No Shortcuts, Please!

      David Freedman, IP3

      When I a youngster, I learned the hard way that        It’s too easy for most people to assume that fame
      taking shortcuts can have a painful outcome. On        and fortune is just around the corner, and all it
      the way to my brother’s house, I got off the bus       takes is going to an audition, impressing people

      and decided to take a detour through another           with your skill, and BAM! You’re on your way to
      person’s yard, figuring I’d get to my destination      stardom. It’s much harder to convince someone
      more quickly. What I didn’t notice until too late      that the best results come after years of study
      was that there was a large St. Bernard in the          and practice. Although there are plenty of people

      driveway. I learned later that this dog had been in    who value hard work and tenacity, there are still
      the garage for several days and was quite ornery       others who would rather cut corners. They never
      as a result. When I ran across his path, he picked     learn the harder lessons that instill a sense of
      me up like a rag doll and shook me for a short         purpose—let alone integrity.

      time before his owner got him to stop. I was               I’m not immune to this either. Most recently,
      immediately taken to the hospital by my mother         when I was working on my high-performance
      where I received butterfly stitches in my back to      leadership project to put together a new
      close the wound. Needless to say, I never tried        Toastmasters debate club, I made this mistake yet

      running across another person’s property again.        again. I’m used to putting speeches together in
          You might think that I’d learned my lesson!        a very short amount of time. Throughout much
      A few years later as a teenager, I was hiking with     of my Toastmasters experience, I’ve found most
      some friends and our respective families. One          of the exercises in the traditional program and

      friend suggested we take a shortcut to where we        Pathways to be a breeze. I thought that a High
      would be meeting at the top of a hill. We got lost     Performance Leadership project wouldn’t be
      and barely found our way back to the parking           that much harder.
      lot. Meanwhile our mothers had called the park             What I hadn’t counted on, however, is that

      rangersand reported us lost. Now I make sure to        instead of taking charge of an assignment within
      follow the trail signs and maps when I go hiking.       a structured environment such as a weekly
          Often it seems in our society that shortcuts       Toastmasters meeting, I would be creating a
      are valued more than hard work. When I watch           project from scratch and learning to lead others

      advertisements of people competing on such             by establishing goals and mileposts for all of us to
      shows such as American Idol or The Voice, I wonder     reach. Needless to say, I didn’t do my homework
      if the contestants ever realize how much hard          on the first part of my project, and my initial
      work actually goes into their craft as performers.     meeting with my guidance committee could

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