Page 32 - Voices-2021-10
P. 32


      Spooktacular Meeting

      Paul Fanning, DTM

      We Toastmasters believe in inclusiveness.-All          fiends and family that we will be hosting

      who wish to avail themselves of the best hands-on      a special Thanksgiving
      public speaking and leadership training program        meeting next month.
      in the world have the opportunity to do so. But        You might want to
      then, what if. . .?                                    have them come for a

          “Good evening, ladies, and gentlemen. Welcome to the   quick snack or a bite or
      ‘Scream and Scare’ Ghostmasters Club of Spooksville.   two. As always, ‘Scream
      We continue to meet face-to-face in live (well somewhat   and Scare’ Club has the
      live) meetings as some of our members are not able to   most alive meetings in
      be seen on Zombie link video. You might say they are a   town!”

      shadow of their former selves! Plus, as you know, the      Yes, this was just
      current pandemic does not seem to affect those of us   a brief scenario for
      who have already passed on.                            a possible thematic

          Before I bring up to the podium our Ghostmaster    meeting for your club,
      for the night, can I get one of you to take Wolfe for a   whether in person
      walk? He seems to be squirming a little. We do have a   or online. Thematic
      full program this eve and I plan to conclude on time   meetings break up the
      for our hirsute members who want to take advantage     “same old, same old” of

      of the full moon. Join me in welcoming Distinguished   our weekly meetings and
      Ghostmaster Count Alucard.”                            breathe a breath of fresh air into our
          “Thank you, President Frank for that warm welcome.   meeting planning and enjoyment of

      I want to drink—er—I want to introduce our roles for   the fellowship of a Toastmasters club. It is an
      tonight’s meeting with the first being that of grammarian,   opportunity for club members to legally go a
      Dr. Jekyll. Our next role is that of timer-and who knows   little crazy, put on a costume (or even use the
      better when our time is up than Mr. Death?             zoom special effects) as well as recognize a special
          The role of General Evaluator will be performed by The   holiday or event in the life of a club.

      Undertaker—after all, he is the last one to let you down.  As a club leader in Toastmasters and other
          And that, fellow Ghostmasters, concludes our       organizations, breaking up the routine or the
      spooktacular meeting for October 31st. Remind your     litany of the “regular” meetings assist your clubs

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