Page 29 - Voices-2021-10
P. 29

How to Get 3 New Visitors a Week

 (By Getting Your Club Meeting Listed in Your Local Papers)

 Stephana Johnson, DL3 - District 7 Public Relations Manager

      out about your Club. This is key information               that information update with all your papers.
      to let you know what is working and where you              (SJ) How long, would you say it took you to get

      want to invest more time.                              the Clark County listed in all these newspapers?
          Last year we collected, quite a few of those           (DS) I invested less than three hours for each
      incentives because we asked, “how did you get  one. I wanted to go back and look at history. I
      here?,” “how did you find us?”                         subscribed to The Colombian, the largest paper
          There’s also a Camas newspaper called  in Clark County. I subscribed to the E-paper
      Camas Post Reporter. The Battleground Reflector  to be able to go back in history and see what

      distributes to Ridgefield, which is the second  other people have done. To see what other
      fastest growing city in Washington state.              organizations are out there.
          (SJ) You’ve mentioned a lot of newspapers. How         The smaller newspapers in the small towns
      did you find them? If someone is new and has just  and cities are usually free.
      taken on the PR role, they will want to promote their      The first time it takes an hour. The next year

      club. What is the first thing they should do to find out  is fast. Easy.
      what community newspapers or directories they could        (SJ) Okay, so folks, this is a no brainer, this is a
      get their club listed in?                              doable action. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to
          (DS)                                               me if you need specific help getting this action done
      •  Look online for publications in the area            for your club!
      •  Reach out to the circulation department - or            Thank you again, David and thank you to

          contact who gets ads listed (some are auto fill  everyone for being a part of Toastmasters. We’ll see
          online)                                            you next time. Bye for now.
      •  Place an ad, it may be free for nonprofits or
          community announcements                              To watch the full interview, click the video below.

      •  List it one time – it may automatically
          become a recurring event
      •  Update for open houses, special events, or a
          guest speaker
      •  Check out the cut off dates for printed
          materials, like for the annual directory

      •  Check your information for accuracy. Have
          all the contact information; the what, the
          when, the who, and how. When you have

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